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Got a new fish


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@Torrey Thank you so very much for your thoughts! When I first brought him home I had him go through a round of general cure and E.M. When he got dropsy I then treated the 40 gallon as well as his hospital tank with prazi pro. He has been through one complete treatment of Maracyn 2 in the hospital tank as well as Kanaplex. He is still eating his pellets soaked in Marcyn 2 for a second round. He has improved greatly. I am thinking of treating the 40 gallon one more time but not sure with what just to make sure I don't take him from his hospital tank and put him in a contaminated environment. I can do Prazi pro again to make sure I got all the gill flukes, which were my thought too. I think he brought him from the pet store and I didn't get them during Quarantine and then added him into the 40 gallon because I noticed gill fluke issues on some of my other fish which is why I treated both the 40 and the hospital tank with PraziPro. I'm excited he is doing so well too. I'm glad he is a fighter. It made caring for him so much easier. 

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For treating the 40 g, I would probably ask Colu or Odd Duck.

Because I worked in health care before, and our local hospital had a massive amount of secondary MRSA sequelae, I use salt 90% of the time for my quarantines. I use medicated food for wild caught fish to address parasites. 

I don't want to accidentally steer you wrong. 

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Y’all has this baby done a glow up or what?!! Thought you would enjoy this dropsy survivor living life!! Ps yes I always take photos after a water change when the water is stirred up. It’s my one fault in fish keeping. 






Edited by Aquatictimes
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