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Tankmates for peal danio school in 32 gallon


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as the title says, what would be some good tank mates in a 32 gallon? i have a school of 8 of them currently. i keep the temperature around 75-76*F.

i have a hard time finding information online cause everything online is for celestial pearl danios and not for pearl danios


the tank so far. its a wip in the aquascape department but it is cycled. i had to place the danios in here before i finished the set up due to some aggression in quarantine with other fish

Edited by tzahroxi
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On 1/30/2022 at 5:30 PM, tzahroxi said:

i unfortunately dont have sand in the tank and i heard they need sand

no they dont !!!! what gravel do you have ??

On 1/30/2022 at 5:34 PM, tzahroxi said:

guess ill wait then but are there any other schooling fish that would go well with them
i want to try different things and ive had pandas before

ok maybe hillstream loaches

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i have a smaller pea gravel with some crush shells to help with ph cause i tend to have acidic water. there are somewhat larger rocks in the gravel that may be a bit rough

On 1/30/2022 at 5:37 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I would recommend Ember Tetras they're nice little schooling fish super small and not as jerky as some tetras can be- I really love mine. 

are there some other small tetras aside from embers?

On 1/30/2022 at 5:35 PM, bettta999 said:

no they dont !!!! what gravel do you have ??

ok maybe hillstream loaches

i like the idea of hillstream loaches, i havent had them before

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Not that I have any personal experience with that I would trust with my CPDs. I have Black Neons I affectionately call them Murder Fish so they're in a tank by themselves. I think my Harlequin Rasboras would do ok with them but they are so much bigger than a CPD. 

Have you thought about maybe Endlers or Guppies?

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On 1/30/2022 at 5:42 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Not that I have any personal experience with that I would trust with my CPDs. I have Black Neons I affectionately call them Murder Fish so they're in a tank by themselves. I think my Harlequin Rasboras would do ok with them but they are so much bigger than a CPD. 

Have you thought about maybe Endlers or Guppies?

these arnt cpds (D. margaritatus), they are plain pearl danios (D. albolineatus). they get about 2.5 inches long

im trying to get some guppies in my main tank so ill see how that goes but i work with a lot of live bearers and want to branch with schooling fish

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Ah gotcha, my mistake. Have you thought about Rasboras? My Harlequins are really great, and tight schooler. Or just want Tetras? I've heard good things about Serpae Tetras and they are pretty. I was going to get some and others here say they're great fish and not typical like say a Neon. 

Black Neons would be a good contrast to the colors of your Pearls. 

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On 1/30/2022 at 5:48 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Ah gotcha, my mistake. Have you thought about Rasboras? My Harlequins are really great, and tight schooler. Or just want Tetras? I've heard good things about Serpae Tetras and they are pretty. I was going to get some and others here say they're great fish and not typical like say a Neon. 

ive though about harlequins, i they were one of the species i was thinking about but i dont know much about rasboras as i do with some tetras but if they are peaceful im open to try them. i dont want to test temperament between species. i have already dealt with some jerk platys and guppies and im thinking about separating them cause my male platy decide it hate the subadult males and killed them

ive seem some really pretty serpaes lately but i heard they are fin nippy, what is your opinion on that?

i am going to put a picture of the tank (wip aquascape) at the top post

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Totally understand. My 10 Harlequins live in a 20 gallon with about 14-20 Otos and a bunch of Nerites and 2 Mystery snails. They've never been jerks to anyone in the tank at all (well unless you count the Oto fry they ate but I can't blame them for that- they didn't hunt them down, just caught them as they swam across the tank). They are gorgeous, mine are big and colored up from the drab beige they were when I got them at the fish store. I've had them for over a year with no issues. 

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i know they can get a beautiful red color which would help them contrast the white substrate. a part of me still wonders if i should replace it with a darker color but i think it brings out the iridescence in the danios, as well as the slight red on the fins


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I had seen the same things with the fin nipping but others here didn't have that experience. I was going to put them with my Black Neons and thought if there was issues they'd hold their own but apparently their reputation per forum member isn't all true: 

Looking for info from those with Serpae Tetra


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