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Diatoms crashing my tank

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I agree with @a tired fish keeper, cut back on the light level or photoperiod and try to scrub or siphon out as much as possible. It a common problem and luckily it usually goes away as the tank ages.  I would normally add Amano shrimp and Otocinclus but it’s a pretty small tank. I have a couple of those three gallon cubes and only keep very small fish in one and only plants in the other. 

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On 1/29/2022 at 6:38 PM, Patrick_G said:

I agree with @a tired fish keeper, cut back on the light level or photoperiod and try to scrub or siphon out as much as possible. It a common problem and luckily it usually goes away as the tank ages.  I would normally add Amano shrimp and Otocinclus but it’s a pretty small tank. I have a couple of those three gallon cubes and only keep very small fish in one and only plants in the other. 

Ok will do! Thanks for you help

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Might be an unpopular opinion but I just do regular ol' maintenance and let all the diatoms and algae run its course. All of my tanks have had diatom and algae blooms, and all of them eventually reached a point where everything was in balance and matured enough to keep the algae mostly out of sight. Usually around the 3 to 5 month mark is when the algae decreases and fades away completely for me, depending on if it's a high or low tech setup.

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