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I think we made a mistake. I set up a pea puffer tank. Once it was cycled, My wife and I added a couple of adult snails, in order to start a small colony. That way there would be food for the puffer once I got it. I left them in too long and now my water perimeters are off. 0.25 Ammonia, 0.25 Nitrite, 20 Nitrate. I have changed out the water 200%. Still nothing changed. I have hundreds of baby snails and I can’t get them all out. Every day they are creating more ammonia. What should I do?

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I doubt you’ll be able to get the baby snails out but the pea puffers will help there. I would just keep doing water changes and dosing with prime daily until your bacteria catches up to the bio load. You can add some fast growing stem / floating plants as well.

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On 1/22/2022 at 10:57 AM, H.K.Luterman said:

How long has the tank been set up? It might not have been totally done cycling when you added the snails. But luckily, snails are pretty hardy and can even help cycle the tank. I agree with @Struggle's suggestions.

The pea puffer's not in the tank yet, right?

Yes I already have the pea puffer. I think when the snails started breeding it sent the ammonia way up.

The tank is almost 2 months running 

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Snails have a really low bioload so I'm not sure the snails are the culprit here unless you have a lot of dead ones lying around in there. Pea puffers are very messy and create a lot of ammonia so your tank might just have not been entirely ready for that bioload yet, but it will catch up. Do i have any bacteria you can add to the tank? Like Fritz Zyme 7? 

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On 1/22/2022 at 3:44 PM, Bettakeeper86 said:

I have top fin bacteria starter. My lfs told me to use seachem stability as well, but I’m worried about use a lot of chemicals.

I would use one or the other. From what I understand, the choice as far as which bacteria starter to use is personal preference but from what I've read, Stability is the better of the two options. I'm no expert but if I understand the situation right, what you're essentially doing is a fish-in cycle. So as @Strugglesaid, keep up with your water changes, dosing Prime and testing the water. Keep the feedings to a minimum so you don't overload the tank and try some fast growing plants. I've recently become partial to anacharis because you can float it, it grows very quickly, it looks pretty and my pea puffers love it. 

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