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How often to feed shrimp?


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My new neocaridina shrimp are in my fry grow-out tank which is jam packed with guppy grass and wood, has a bag of crushed coral and has been set up for around 5 months. The fry are fed 3 times per day, Sera Micron and other good foods crushed.

I have Xtreme Shrimpee pellets but don't know how often I should put them in, or how many. I only have 4 shrimp, and a bejillion ramshorn snails. The guppy fry seem to pay no attention to the pellets but the snails are glued to them non-stop.

How often should I put in shrimp pellets as opposed to letting the shrimp eat fry leftovers/debris/algae?


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In my guppy fry tank my cpd/Pygmy tank and my guppy community I never feed shrimp. In my bare bottom pleco/ cpd tank the only gets a touch of flake or granules I lightly sprinkle shrimp baby or first bites or sera micron 1x a week so it hits a lot of surfaces. If you are feeding fry food they don’t need it but the shrimp specific food is good for them occasionally so it’s your discretion. 

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In a fry grow out tank, I doubt you will have to feed them.

When I had a colony, I wrapped BugBites shrimp pellets inside a blanched leaf or vegetable, stuck a bamboo skewer through it, and left it in the tank for 2 - 3 hours on Sun & Wed. Sometimes they only ate the BugBites, sometimes they devoured everything. They ate just enough algae for net neutral on growth. 

That was a little over a dozen adult shrimp, and shrimplettes.

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