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Goldfish food? How to know Plz help asap


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I think that most quality goldfish foods will work for any type of gold fish.  They key is to give them a variety of different types of foods.  As @Colusaid, vary the feeding of your favorite goldfish food with some frozed bloodworms and brine shimp, add in some vegetables like duckweed, peas, broccoli, etc.

Personally, my main feed is Repashy super gold, and I alternate feedings between the Repashy and bloodworms/brine shimp.  I consider Repashy to have a high "vegetable" content because of the algea ingredients, but I still occasionally feed my goldfish peas or broccolli.


p.s they are oranda goldfish

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Hikari is a trusted brand of pretty good food, it is generally easier to digest but the purple bag, Saki hikari, is designed specifically for wen growth, it contains a component needed for the fish to develop wen which is a certain type of protein, same one flowerhorns need for their bump, 


I like a certain brand of food above the rest, you can order it online in bulk or small amounts at a really great price for top end quality, your fish stuff is the name of the company I’m not sure if I’m allowed to link the sight here. It’s important for goldfish to not have a food with lots of fillers cause that can lead to a host of issues as goldfish do not have stomachs, a variety is always best to have as well. As a general it’s best to feed foods lower than 40% protein to goldfish however as treats bloodworms or other high protein foods are totally fine. Spirulina os also great, rapashy gold is the best, but can’t be fed back to back to back as it’s so nutrient dense it can cause constipation in fancy goldfish, although it’s the best of the best. Im advocate against feeding any large size pellets, even if your fish is huge I stick to the smallest available pellet, it is just easier to digest this way. Your fish stuff makes very small pellets so it’s perfect. I also highly recommend flake food for sensitive fancy types like pearl scales and some ranchu, goldfish have a 2 chamber swimbladder, some fancy types of not bred extremely well can have a single chamber that they get along fine with until constipation rolls around.

Temperature also plays a factor, if it’s cold like my fish room this time of year, what germ based foods are fine, although I stick to strictly flakes this time of year, I don’t add pellets back in until April when things warm up. My basement is unheated so it does get cold, but I breed goldfish so the cold period into a warming period is crucial for their health and their egg development. I love talking goldfish so anytime you need anything do not hesitate to message me! Sorry for the long reply I tried to keep it shorter but I blab on lol. 

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On 1/7/2022 at 12:28 AM, 2absolute2purity2 said:

saki hikari ones where it says for premium-grade types of goldfish, fancy, and ranchu

When they use statements like this its to pull in certain owners but it will be safe for all.  They have the same dietary needs.

I could never get my fish to eat peas. And one of my goldfish only ate the red flakes. 

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@GardenStateGoldfish Interesting comment about not feeding Repashy back to back because it is too nutrient dense and can cause constipation in fancy goldfish.  I find the exact opposite with my two orandas  Switching to Repashy Super Gold as the main feed really helped their digestion.  Do you think this could be a function of how much water is mixed with the Repashy?  I don't "exactly" measure the ratio when I make it, I just keep adding water slowly while stirring until it is fully absorbed and turns to a liquid.


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On 1/9/2022 at 9:54 AM, StanF said:

Do you think this could be a function of how much water is mixed with the Repashy?

It could be, it could also be genetic/temperature dependent, it’s not something I have personally witnessed I just heard from some more experienced keepers than myself to be careful of that, maybe a higher water mixture is the key in theory that should make it less dense. I think genetics and temperature would also play a role into it, some goldfish are more sensitive eaters then others, generally the longer the body the more stable their digestive tract and swim bladders and if the temperature is cold their metabolism is slower so that also could be a factor. 

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