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Lost Two Cory Catfish


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I've had my first tank about a year now so I'm still a bit new to the hobby, Over the past three days I've had two cory catfish die on me, one was showing signs of what I thought was swim bladder disease because it was swimming erratically and then it would just stop and sink sitting on the bottom for a while on it's side or back, so I moved it to the hospital tank and administered aquarium salt. the next day my smallest cory died overnight so I found it upside down not breathing and unresponsive to touch. Meanwhile the one in the hospital tank seemed to be doing better, it was swimming better and staying upright but then this morning I found it dead as well. My water parameters are good 7.0Ph, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites are 0 or really close to 0. the only thing I've done to the tank recently other than the usual 25% water change is I added a sponge filter from the co-op, a white stone decoration that was rinsed and scrubbed with a brush thoroughly, and a little ceramic elephant decoration. I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing wrong if anything.

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Originally when you got them did you use any meds to treat internal tape worms? How many total corydoras do you have and what were they eating? Basically you keep playing detective until something is the "ah hah" moment, or it's never figured out and hopefully are setup for the future to have success. 

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2 hours ago, Cory said:

Originally when you got them did you use any meds to treat internal tape worms? How many total corydoras do you have and what were they eating? Basically you keep playing detective until something is the "ah hah" moment, or it's never figured out and hopefully are setup for the future to have success. 

I have a 10 gallon, I started out with 4, one was DOA the very next day and since then the other three have been fine until their recent sickness and death of course so I'm left with 1 now. It's been about a month of having them, I didn't administer any worming meds because I didn't realize I should do that to be honest lol. I've been feeding them Tetra shrimp wafers for catfish and loaches, I feed my betta that lives in the same tank the Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Baby Pellets. I watched your video about aquarium salt so I ran out to pets mart that night and grabbed some, then I moved the cory that was showing symptoms to the hospital tank and dosed it with the salt, he seemed to be doing better within two days but then was just dead one morning, Then my oldest cory died with no symptoms so I decided to just dose the community tank to be on the safe side and the remaining cory seems to be ok as well as my betta.

Edited by Rob
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