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I am in a real mess and need advice please. I am so worried. (Warning, there is a pic of a dead fish)

Goldie Blue

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I was able to find the Jungle Fungus Clear and Kanaplex locally, I placed the carbon in and will let it cycle for 24 hours. Good news, nobody else was dead when I got home. Fingers crossed I can save the rest of these guys. 

@Colu  Your directions you suggested earlier in the topic was for Furan-2 + Kanaplex, but I have the Jungle Fungus Clear instead now, so any advice would be happily accepted 🥰

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Update: Another day with no dead fish so far!

But now I have a new problem. In addition to the cloudy water, there was a weird slimy fuzz on my betta's log this morning, and now I am seeing it on some of my plants, which are also rapidly declining. @Colu will the fungal treatments (kanaplex and fungus clear) help this, or is this another problem? Attaching pics. 

Thank you again!



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The jungal fungas clear fizz tabs might help as nitrofurazone also treat's external  fungal  infections  it more than likely bio film that was cause by excess of nutrients when your fish have died and not be found over night it should go away on its 

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Update: another day with no dead fish.

But HOLY CRAP my betta scared me. He was hanging on the filter, which I have seen him do several times in the past, but this time upside down. So I immediately thought the worse, started crying, got my husband because I couldn't bear to take him out of the tank. Husband turns the filter off to get him off, and he swims away seemingly perfectly fine. He ate several pieces of his food right after, but five minutes later he was hanging on the filter again.

So for now I have him in a little floating breeder tank thing inside the tank to keep him isolated and away from the filter. The water was super cloudy still and I had a huge ammonia spike since last night. I did a 50% water change and took EVERYTHING out of the aquarium, and found 5 dead fish under my large bubble bar that had been there for at least a few days, so I suspect that was the culprit. I am hoping this water change and the deep gravel cleaning will help. 

I wish my 10 gallon was ready to move him into, but ammonia is reading at .25ppm. That's probably still too high, right? 

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On 12/8/2021 at 10:02 PM, Goldie Blue said:

Update: another day with no dead fish.

But HOLY CRAP my betta scared me. He was hanging on the filter, which I have seen him do several times in the past, but this time upside down. So I immediately thought the worse, started crying, got my husband because I couldn't bear to take him out of the tank. Husband turns the filter off to get him off, and he swims away seemingly perfectly fine. He ate several pieces of his food right after, but five minutes later he was hanging on the filter again.

So for now I have him in a little floating breeder tank thing inside the tank to keep him isolated and away from the filter. The water was super cloudy still and I had a huge ammonia spike since last night. I did a 50% water change and took EVERYTHING out of the aquarium, and found 5 dead fish under my large bubble bar that had been there for at least a few days, so I suspect that was the culprit. I am hoping this water change and the deep gravel cleaning will help. 

I wish my 10 gallon was ready to move him into, but ammonia is reading at .25ppm. That's probably still too high, right? 

You can still use seachems prime to detoxify any ammonia or nitrites while treating it shouldn't interfere with any antibiotic treatment

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My last endler guppy died today. My ammonia started spiking a bit yesterday and is even higher today. I did a 50% water change yesterday, is this normal with medication? I did have dead fish stuck under my bubble bar that I got out yesterday. Is there something I can or should do to get this down lower? Thank you!


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It more than likely the ammonia was caused the dead fish you found  Have you got some cycled media you could add from another established tank that would help you can also keep adding prime I would use a double dose cut back on feeding while treating that help lower the ammonia @Goldie Blue

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On 12/9/2021 at 4:53 PM, Colu said:

Have you got some cycled media you could add from another established tank

Unfortunately I don't, just the other 10g I am in the process of cycling. The ammonia in that tank is about the same as the problematic one. I do have Prime and added it yesterday when I did the 50% water change...I should add double the recommended dose (so 2 capfuls?) and do I need to do a water change or just add Prime? Thank you @Colu

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I wouldn't do a water change if it's going to interfere with the medication your using I would just add a double dose of prime every 24 hr then on day three of the treatment schedule I would do a 50% water change instead of the 25% it recommends

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On 12/9/2021 at 5:25 PM, Colu said:

I wouldn't do a water change if it's going to interfere with the medication your using I would just add a double dose of prime every 24 hr then on day three of the treatment schedule I would do a 50% water change instead of the 25% it recommends

Okay thank you again so much. The Prime is in there. This is so stressful, and I feel so helpless. You're so patient and kind!

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Just wanted to update you guys. Today my ammonia was finally down! I couldn't have done it without you guys and @Colu. It's been 4 days since a fish died, and hopefully I am over the worst of it. Everyone seems much more calm too. I'll keep testing the water everyday to be sure, but again...I can't thank you all enough for your help so far! Happy Monday!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, I wanted to update that it's been two weeks since I lost anyone in the tank! My betta is looking great, and all the other fish seem to be healthy. Water parameters have been stable and normal for close to two weeks. I hope I am out of the woods, and I couldn't have done it without all the help here. Thank you all SO much! 

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