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How many Agassizii's

Jason A.

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I have a 40breeder with

4x Lf lemon blue eye pleco 1.5"

1x large cory

10x cardinal tetra

1x rainbow shiner (only one my lfs had left)(used to keep bacteria going)

So I'd like to breed some agassizii and not sure how many I should order. My lfs can get some agassizii but they will be younger fish and probably won't be able to sexed, I would love to find a beautiful trio but I'm expecting to get a number of agassizii and have to return some to the store once I can sex them so I'm not sure how many I can fit in the tank given my current inhabitants. My filter is a fluval 307 with biohome media and a plenum and I have several plants growing with plenty of caves for hiding

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On 11/30/2021 at 6:16 PM, Jason A. said:

I have a 40breeder with

4x Lf lemon blue eye pleco 1.5"

1x large cory

10x cardinal tetra

1x rainbow shiner (only one my lfs had left)(used to keep bacteria going)

So I'd like to breed some agassizii and not sure how many I should order. My lfs can get some agassizii but they will be younger fish and probably won't be able to sexed, I would love to find a beautiful trio but I'm expecting to get a number of agassizii and have to return some to the store once I can sex them so I'm not sure how many I can fit in the tank given my current inhabitants. My filter is a fluval 307 with biohome media and a plenum and I have several plants growing with plenty of caves for hiding

Awesome! You could start with 5-6 and wait til they pair off. Lots of wood, etc to break lines of sight may help.

Be sure you’re getting what you’re expecting from your LFS. All Apistos have colorful forms, and also more or less “wild type” forms. We bought 7x Apistogramma Cacatouides… but they were small, wild type. Colorless. Plus they hated our water and all died inside 72 hrs.

Just look at this variety from fishbase…


I would personally insist on “Super Red,” “Double Red,” “Fire Red,” etc. Your males should look like this…




Unless you’re really fond of wild type. In which case, these will look like line-bred replicants from Blade Runner…

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