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My first female betta


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I was went to petsmart to get some ideas about stocking my 20 long when its ready. I walked by the bettas and they all were very sad looking except this little female. I've been wanting a koi plakat but this little female caught my eye. She's very feisty and I think she has a little bit more aggression than any male betta I've ever had. Even the employee told me they had her for a few weeks and nobody seems to want her. For $3.99 I picked her up. 

Stopped at Walmart and got another 5 gallon and got her set up. Pulled a few propagating plants from my other tank and bought one of the anubias nana petsmart had. 

She really has an attitude. Once I had her acclimated and in the tank I put a couple root tabs I forgot to add for the dwarf sag and the crypt. She tried to attack my hand. Never had any betta do that before. She blows bubbles and attacks them too. Very active fish and really seems to like her new home. 

She also one of the more colorful females I've ever seen. she was labeled as a veiltail but I never really pay much attention to they different types. I usually pick my appearance and health.20211122_215441.jpg.2f4e440002a7a401bd16e89877bcb206.jpg20211122_215709.jpg.e31d1ccf0a9bc0b9e922e36925a46ba6.jpg20211122_214757.jpg.7470103e84cfc175b551bad77cf026f6.jpg20211122_214701.jpg.08f5051068628e619d735e005ee7b5f7.jpg

Edited by mtnmonster
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