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A little 🍀 and 🌽

Brandon p

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You said earlier you feed corn I wanted to ask you about it. I’m sure your cooking it some how? Have you researched this, to be nutritious for fish? Seems like a cheap feeding option if so. Can imagine my Oscar turning around saying β€œI don’t remember having corn today!”

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I don’t feed corn sometimes more of a treat. I did a big clean up. I have not researched but I will now. I started when I had two huge Pacu that I basic fed the scraps of dinner. Thinks like when I trimmed the fat and bits of fat before cooking. Then I would trim the veggies like carrots green beans squash zucchini and fruit. We ate really healthy and I cooked dinner. The Pacu eat and thing kind of like oscars but there teeth hurt and with take chunks out if they are bigger. They would get a little bit every night. I watched what the other fish with them ate. The BN plecos , silver dollars, and the clown loaches liked the corn and vegetables so I have given as a treat more than a main food. I’ll see what I can find. I feed green Beans once a week. What surprises most is the amount of veggies angelfish eat. I’m going to do some research on it now. Maybe some one knowsΒ 

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I took a quick look on google only so by no means Scientific. What I observed is there are a lot of strong feelings on both sides. So I’m going to give my opinion on it. I think feeding lots of different foods alone with staple foods like krill flakes, bbs, and a few others that are more of a complete diet. Many people feed fruits and vegetables(mostly greens). I have and do feed canned canned corn rinsed. I do and try new things in the previous post I stated how I started I only would say it was over 20 years ago and research was a library card and the LFS. I Β would say a variety is good do you’re own research and go past the first 2 pages of google.Β 

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We have been conditioned into store food because people want to sell it us, but it has come a long way from the dried daphina I used on my first fish.

This also reminds me of a story about ducks. A few years ago it started to be said that bread was bad for ducks and feeding it them was shortening their lives due to duck obesity and diabetes. So we should be feeding them seeds. This did the rounds of social media and soon kids on parks were being vilified for throwing a duck a crust of it's sandwich. Time moves.

And lock down suddenly no one has grain and shops near the parks (that were selling it are closed) ducks start to starve. Signs appear saying bread is better than an empty tummy.

So it turns out the whole bread is bad thing was started by a seed company and had no basis in real fact (seed is better but bread ain't bad). The park and rivers board backed the idea as seed didn't foul water as much as bread and they could make a few quid selling it so they never debunked it.

I find this to be a useful tale about marketing and working out where the money is when you are doing research.

I don't feed greens because historically my fish were never that interested in it so I'd always be fishing it out. I should probably try again now I have bigger variety of fish.

Sorry about long tangent (I'm prone to them)

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I too try to feed a variety and will give 🌽 a try. I figured it was more of a treat than a staple food, 

@FlumpweeselΒ brings up a very good point. If you feed your fish xxxxx it is balanced with the exact bla bla bla that your fish needs. Marketing is such a science to make us feel as though we HAVE to do what they say or we would be mistreating our pets. Although there are a few types that will only eat a specific type of food like live, algae, or plant based. Almost all fish are scavenger and will eat anything put in front of them (IMO). We see picky eaters because they know you will be putting in some bloodworms so no need to eat that flake (again IMO).

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@FlumpweeselΒ I do have some experience with chickens and corn. When my boys were young they where in 4H and raised 3 chickens a year each. They quickly learned that a diet of all corn is bad. corn them as a staple. Β They called it chicken crack, But was a good treat. About a month before the had to show them they started feed more corn to increase weight and fill them out. Sort like the ducks.

I want to play proud papa for a minute. One son won best in show 3 Times and the youngest won 4 belt buckets for the knowledge of chickens husbandry.Β 

@Atitagainthat’s so true abut some being picky or selective in the food they eat. In August I was gifted 14 dime sized angelfish all from the same pair of parents. It was more than I was comfortable with in a single tank. They grow fast. My point was, in one tank they Β eat everything and the others don’t eat some brands of food. Makes me wonder why certain fish developed certain taste in basically the same environment. In the wild I understand.Β 

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Found this in a post from @CoryΒ cited section but in included a link to the post.

β€œFor some reason hobbyists have taken to food as one of the most important things. While it certainly is important, lots of other factors are equally important. From my observations in Peru as an example, fish rarely eat the same thing twice for the most part. Day one could be a decomposing fish. Next day is algae, day after that is rotting fruit that fell into the water. Day after that is a live fish etc.
Now I'd say none of that analyzed the way it was in this study would look good either. However the combination of all those micro and macro nutrients actually becomes a better food source.”




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I had a goldfish that would only eat the red flakes.Β 

But I think the main reason to buy some foods is because they cause less waste in the tank than some home grown variantsΒ 

On 11/23/2021 at 3:16 PM, Brandon p said:

Ones sone won best in show 3 Times and the youngest won 4 belt buckets for the knowledge of chickens husbandry.

pride justifiedΒ 

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On 11/23/2021 at 10:33 AM, Flumpweesel said:

I had a goldfish that would only eat the red flakes.Β 

But I think the main reason to buy some foods is because they cause less waste in the tank than some home grown variantsΒ 

pride justifiedΒ 

That’s is a great reason to buy a food. Who wants a cloudy, waste filled tank. Especially when you have a few tanks. I have the more time that most to spend time everyday with my fish due to a disability 5 years ago.

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I remember the first time I put cucumber in one of my tanks. My husband was so concerned because it wasn't "fish food". I was a little nervous. But we feed our other pets fresh food, so why should the fish be any different? So long as it's nutritious, not poisonous, etc. Variety is great and treats are always good. This post reminds me of feeding chili cheese Fritos to the Bass at our lake when I was a kid. Lol they were huge bass! Then the story from kg tropicals where one of their store regulars only fed her Oscar premium beef hotdogs. Apparently her fish lived a long time!


Adding that I would never feed Fritos to fish as an adult.



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