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Question about Ich-X


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@DamnKid; I've seen Ich-X on the shelf at my local LFS's, I've read the instructions, I saw the price and I decided against it. The easiest and cheapest way to clear-up and prevent Ich in your tanks is to raise the temp in your tank to 85 degrees and keep it there.

Ich lives in your substrate and goes dormant at 80 degrees, when Ich is dormant, Ich doesn't infect you fish.

When Thomas Jefferson was President, he passed a law requiring all States to have a Land Grant College to study and explore the plants, animals, birds, and aquatic creatures in their respective States and the diseases that may affect them, all States except Oregon have two.  You can call the co-operative extension agent in your area and he can put you on top of, or send you, information about anything from any of those other Land Grant Colleges as they are required to co-operate and share information with each other. 

 The Land Grant Colleges with the highest-ranking Fisheries Depts.' are University of Hawai'i (#1), University of Florida (#2), and Virginia Tech (#3). I'm sure that UH has the best info on marine fisheries biology, but I've gotten info from UF on how to breed Tetras' commercially and several other interests, and I've gotten info from VT on the Chesapeake Bay and several other interests.

I sometimes wonder if these people who continually push chemicals to treat fish diseases might work for, or own their local LFS and want us to spend more money at our LFS for chemicals we don't need. Oh well, it's not happening here. 

At any rate, don't flush your used aquarium water, dead fish, or plant clippings down the toilet, any diseases that your fish may have can be transmitted to your local fish populations. Throw the fish and plants in the trash and pour the water on your garden or your yard.



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On 11/28/2021 at 2:01 PM, Gator said:

@DamnKid; The easiest and cheapest way to clear-up and prevent Ich in your tanks is to raise the temp in your tank to 85 degrees and keep it there.

I’m not convinced with the heat alone treatment because I’ve encountered ich strain before and 86F didn’t help at all. What worked for me was the salt treatment. However, I have now several java fern and anubias plants so I can’t use salt.

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'Yes...definitely. I'd also be concerned with fin rot, but the sunken belly/wasting will get him first. I haven't had any luck with Paracleanse for wasting disease. It does treat internal parasites, but in my experience, won't cure sunken belly.

If you want to save the fish, you should act rapidly. I have been successful with two Meds for wasting disease....Levamisole and Flubendazole. Levamisole is marketed in "Expel-P", and is readily available, unlike Flubendazole.  I use both, but have been MUCH more successful with Flubendazole in dire cases. To be honest...it has been the best money I have spent on anything fish-keeping related. I base what I use on the below:

-Pay special note on eating characteristics: Is the fish eating, or is the fish trying to eat, but spitting it out? If the former, you can use Levamisole in the food. I have found this much better than in the water column.

If the fish is spitting it out, the parasite is causing "inflammation" (or the equivalent in fish), preventing the fish from swallowing. In these cases, i go right to Flubendazole, which can be absorbed by the gills, since the fish can't put food down. I still add it to food, and even if the fish spits it, at least the med is in it's mouth for a few seconds.

After 1-2 days w/ Flubendazole in the water column, I have found the fish to start swallowing. Within a few days, it starts putting on weight. Bloodworms soaked in the med+Garlic guard are my go-to when trying get a fish to eat and keep food down.

I hope this helps. Sorry about the lengthy post, but wasting can be very tricky, and you need to act fast. The fish will literally starve to death.



Edited by quikv6
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On 11/29/2021 at 8:08 PM, quikv6 said:

'Yes...definitely. I'd also be concerned with fin rot, but the sunken belly/wasting will get him first. I haven't had any luck with Paracleanse for wasting disease. It does treat internal parasites, but in my experience, won't cure sunken belly.

If you want to save the fish, you should act rapidly. I have been successful with two Meds for wasting disease....Levamisole and Flubendazole. Levamisole is marketed in "Expel-P", and is readily available, unlike Flubendazole.  I use both, but have been MUCH more successful with Flubendazole in dire cases. To be honest...it has been the best money I have spent on anything fish-keeping related. I base what I use on the below:

-Pay special note on eating characteristics: Is the fish eating, or is the fish trying to eat, but spitting it out? If the former, you can use Levamisole in the food. I have found this much better than in the water column.

If the fish is spitting it out, the parasite is causing "inflammation" (or the equivalent in fish), preventing the fish from swallowing. In these cases, i go right to Flubendazole, which can be absorbed by the gills, since the fish can't put food down. I still add it to food, and even if the fish spits it, at least the med is in it's mouth for a few seconds.

After 1-2 days w/ Flubendazole in the water column, I have found the fish to start swallowing. Within a few days, it starts putting on weight. Bloodworms soaked in the med+Garlic guard are my go-to when trying get a fish to eat and keep food down.

I hope this helps. Sorry about the lengthy post, but wasting can be very tricky, and you need to act fast. The fish will literally starve to death.



Thanks for the informative post but I don’t think I could save it as I don’t have those meds you mentioned aside from ParaCleanse and I could only get those via mail. The only thing I can do for now is to treat the rest of my fish with ParaCleanse to prevent the same fate. My question is, how long does it take for ParaCleanse to actually work and kill those worms?

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It can take 2-3 courses of treatment 2 week apart I would recommend ordering Fritz expel p @quikv6 suggested  you can treat with paracleanse while you waiting for it to arrive if it is wasting disease paracleanse will have no effect you could also treat with maracyn for the fin rot while dosing paracleanse

Edited by Colu
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On 11/29/2021 at 9:20 PM, Colu said:

It can take 2-3 courses of treatment 2 weeks apart I would recommend ordering Fritz expel p @quikv6 suggested  you can treat with paracleanse while you waiting for it to arrive if it is wasting disease paracleanse will have no effect you could also treat with maracyn for the fin rot while dosing paracleanse

So, I decided to order Expel-P today and will arrive in 3 days. How should I use it so I’d be ready when it arrives?

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 sometimes you get a more resistance parasite that might require an extra course of treatment or a medication with a different active ingredient if you have any Expel p left you could do another course that might resolve it if you don't have the resources to spend you could just add some salt and monitor them for now see what happens

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I just went through a long battle with a wasting disease in pseudomugil rainbowfish. I never did find the cause, and they were treated with antibiotics and multiple antiparasite meds. Are you able to separate the sick fish and put her in another cozy tank? That's what you can do just to observe, feed, and offer clean water while keeping her away from the healthier fish. I understand feeling exhausted after a battle, and I think just making her as comfy as possible and observing her separately might give some peace of mind.

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