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Fluval filter 207 or 307

ed gibbs

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I have a 30-35 gl tank that i will be setting up soon as a planted tank. i would like to fill it up with aprox. 40 to 50 neon and glolite tetras. I want purchase a Fluval canister filter , would the 207 be adaquit or should i go with the 307 since i would be going the 1 inch rule . Thankyou

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I have a 306 on 60gal aquarium I've been running it for 10 years now. 

The 207 will probably handle the tank and stock very well. The 307 will allow you to upgrade to a larger tank in the future (if that needs to be considered). There is a lot more room for media in 307 but it is has a higher running cost than the 207.

Sorry no straight answers from me more just thinking points to help you decide.

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I use all models. 207 is fine but I always go 1 size up.You never know what the future holds. Plus if something comes up when the flow starts to slow and you can’t hit maintenance you can turn the flow up to buy some time. I’m also a fan of over filtration.  I run 107-207-307 on 20 longs depending on what I’m setting up. 29 I use a 407 because it’s guppies + others and they exponentially populate so it gives me time to grow out to take to LFS which means it gets dense in there 🤣

Edited by Guppysnail
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