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Purple Mosaic Guppy Fry Issues


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Recently I purchased 3 pair of Purple Mosaic guppies, they arrived one day late Nov 5th* past their 4day shipping journey, but we’re otherwise in great condition and continued to do well. One of the older females was pregnant and dropped around 72 fry on Nov 6th* (this does not include about 20-30 under developed eggs and one still born). My assumption is that she wouldn’t have went into labor if it weren’t for the stress of shipping, but all 72 remaining fry seemed to be carrying on swimmingly! After birthing and relocation to their nursery tank Nov 6th* they were started on baby brine shrimp up to 4x daily along w/waste pickup, water changes daily and powdered bug bites started in rotation Nov 7th*, everyone continued to carry on perfectly until today Nov 8th*.. After checking on them and returning an hour later I lost 90% of my fry!.. A huge loss..

Any ideas on what could have caused this would be greatly appreciated as aside from just assuming they were born premature due to stress on the mother, I cannot figure out what happened. I have bred in the past and just started up again,  so I believe myself to be fairly experienced, however I have been out of practice for a few years and you never know. This my first time running Purple Mosaics though and I want to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Thanks in advance! 

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I’ve tested water quality 2x to be sure and my API freshwater test kit showed 0ppm Ammonia both times (pictured below). 

PH is also 7.6 which I know can affect them as well, but at a good level in my opinion. I can post a test result photo of as well if needed.


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I watch bellies. Baby guppies find tons of stuff in the tank to eat unless it a new tank. If their bellies are round I do not feed. I always strain and rinse for fry. Even though your tank quickly deals with the ammonia the fry are still exposed to it until it’s dealt with by bacteria. That’s just my opinion though. 

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Opinions is what I need! Awesome advice I believe, it’s a new tank, but still possible I could have overfed even though I tried to control amounts given and remove waste within an hour of giving food. I’ll definitely incorporate watching the next batches bellies as well! What is it that you strain and rinse that you mentioned? BBS? 

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