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300 gallon stock tank dilemma


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Hello everyone,

Recently, I had a terrible experience at a particular retail store. I’ve been in retail for 10 years, including management. I am not the type of dude that gets an attitude from an employee in any store I frequent and suddenly I want to speak to the manager. I believe everyone has a bad day and although it may affect the shopping experience, they may be going through something that is much worst than the attitude I just received. On the flip side, while I’m working, I also give the benefit of the doubt to any customer that is less than friendly. I don’t take anything personally.

However, this particular experience was so awful that I contacted their corporate office. My issue was handed over to their regional and I was contacted within 5 days from the store manager. For the record, I’ve shopped at this business multiple times and all employees have gone above and beyond, they’re very friendly and accommodating.

I explained the situation to the manager and he was basically left speechless. He offered his apologies and gave me a substantial discount on a future purchase. Corporate also gave me a gift card which was really nice. Needless to say, everything was rectified and I will be shopping there for a long time.

Because of the substantial discount and gift card, I decided to purchase a 300 Rubbermaid structural foam stock tank. 
Now onto the dilemma: stocking options. I have narrowed it down to either goldfish or a very large school of Rummynose tetras. The Rummynose scenario allows me to use 2 very large sponge filters, a ton of plants, and variety of other misc fish: dojo loach, bristlenose pleco, a school of Gold white clouds, etc.

The goldfish scenario allows for the most personality I’ve experienced in a fish (other than my big old Flowerhorn), however limits plants (crinum, Val, and some floaters that can be munched on). I don’t mind not having any other tank mates other than 12-15 Goldfish and 3 dojo loaches. My main concern here is the filtration. Will 2 large sponge filters rated at 220 gallon each and said plants be suffice? I don’t really want to have any canister/trash can  type filters, but obviously I wouldn’t want to under filter the tank. Any thoughts or experiences? For the record, temps will be around 75, give or take a degree in either direction. 

Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thank you 

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On 11/5/2021 at 10:50 AM, Manny said:

Hello everyone,

Recently, I had a terrible experience at a particular retail store. I’ve been in retail for 10 years, including management. I am not the type of dude that gets an attitude from an employee in any store I frequent and suddenly I want to speak to the manager. I believe everyone has a bad day and although it may affect the shopping experience, they may be going through something that is much worst than the attitude I just received. On the flip side, while I’m working, I also give the benefit of the doubt to any customer that is less than friendly. I don’t take anything personally.

However, this particular experience was so awful that I contacted their corporate office. My issue was handed over to their regional and I was contacted within 5 days from the store manager. For the record, I’ve shopped at this business multiple times and all employees have gone above and beyond, they’re very friendly and accommodating.

I explained the situation to the manager and he was basically left speechless. He offered his apologies and gave me a substantial discount on a future purchase. Corporate also gave me a gift card which was really nice. Needless to say, everything was rectified and I will be shopping there for a long time.

Because of the substantial discount and gift card, I decided to purchase a 300 Rubbermaid structural foam stock tank. 
Now onto the dilemma: stocking options. I have narrowed it down to either goldfish or a very large school of Rummynose tetras. The Rummynose scenario allows me to use 2 very large sponge filters, a ton of plants, and variety of other misc fish: dojo loach, bristlenose pleco, a school of Gold white clouds, etc.

The goldfish scenario allows for the most personality I’ve experienced in a fish (other than my big old Flowerhorn), however limits plants (crinum, Val, and some floaters that can be munched on). I don’t mind not having any other tank mates other than 12-15 Goldfish and 3 dojo loaches. My main concern here is the filtration. Will 2 large sponge filters rated at 220 gallon each and said plants be suffice? I don’t really want to have any canister/trash can  type filters, but obviously I wouldn’t want to under filter the tank. Any thoughts or experiences? For the record, temps will be around 75, give or take a degree in either direction. 

Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thank you 

Nope. Nope. Nope. You need Notropis chrosomus. Rainbow Shiners. Glorious fish. Thrive in cool outdoor water. Colors beyond any tropical fish.



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@Fish Folk Duuuuuuuude, those are ridiculous!!!!! Have you kept them? They look like they’d cost at least a zillion dollars per fish. I am going to search the interwebs for more info, but is there anything you can tell me about them from experience? Those are ridiculous photos, I’m assuming those are their breeding colors. Holy cannoli! 

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@Fish Folk

Hello  @WhitecloudDynasty, I call upon you because you seem to have a lot of experience with these guys. I have a ton of questions, first being, is there anything you can keep with these guys that won’t eat their eggs? Seems highly unlikely, but it’s worth an ask. Thank you kindly, my interest has been sparked to say the least. 

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My 100 gal goldfish above ground pond does great with a smallish box filter. I keep 6 fish in it. 12 in a 300 with a sponge and a large box filter would probably work great. You would be lucky to be able to keep them inside at 75 degrees. 
Pic from Blue Ridge Koi

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@Patrick_G I’ve always loved goldfish and was leaning towards the goldfish pond over anything else until the rainbow shiner idea was presented. The more research I do, the more I am beginning to realize that it’s all going to depend on what temp it ranges from. The pond is going on my lanai, for those that don’t know, it’s a covered patio of sorts, in Florida. Obviously Florida gets super hot, however it will always be shaded under my patio. In my old house, this meant a fairly steady 75 until winter came along. However, it may be different because our new house which is being built an hour south of the previous home, could differ. It’s a wait and see. The house should be done and we should be able to move in by mid-January at the latest. At that point I will set it up and monitor the temps daily. That will give me my range and then I can make my final decision. Problem is that to get a true range, I would have to wait until August to see that variation in temp. Once again, patience leans in and says “remember me.” 
If I were to go the goldfish route, I could stick to about 6 and if it gets too hot out there, they could be moved to a 110 stock tank I have indoors or I could just buy them a 75 gallon at the next dollar per gallon sale. Time will tell and this is why I posted now, to see what you folks would do or have done. Thanks for your input dude. 

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On 11/5/2021 at 2:34 PM, Manny said:

@Fish Folk

Hello  @WhitecloudDynasty, I call upon you because you seem to have a lot of experience with these guys. I have a ton of questions, first being, is there anything you can keep with these guys that won’t eat their eggs? Seems highly unlikely, but it’s worth an ask. Thank you kindly, my interest has been sparked to say the least. 

They will eat their own eggs lol

The idea of a stock tank, you'll need fish you can enjoy from topveiw. Either goldfish or rainbow shiner would be great.

Your sponge filter is fine, but itll be base off your bioload and how much water you can move through the square inch of beneficial bacteria. They both can deal with higher temp also, but you'll have to supplement with more air stone other than the spongefilter.

Rainbow shiner will school nicely if you give them the room, but goldfish will be more friendly. 


Imagine you get to see the first and last second as Topview 


Edited by WhitecloudDynasty
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@WhitecloudDynasty Wow thank you for the info. I literally almost spit my coffee out laughing at them eating their eggs. I may go with goldies in the 300 and these little guys in a 110 stock that I have set aside. Thank you for the video, the reason I mentioned rummynose’s was for the schooling behavior, the shiners covers that and then some, while being a new and unique fish. I’m sold. As far as supplemental oxygen, I also have a few 4” airstone disks that I can hook up to take care of that problem. Wow thanks again for that really cool video, I wish I could like your comment twice. 

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