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Celestial Pearl Danios with Clamped Fins


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Yesterday when I was feeding my fish in my planted 20L, I noticed two of my CPDs had clamped caudal fins. One is a younger fish purchased in August and still juvenile, the other is full grown and a couple years old. Nothing has changed in the tank recently, with the exception being I started adding Aquarium Co-Op Easy Green two weeks ago, and about three weeks ago I increased the temperature from 71-72 degrees F to 74. I’ve been trying to inspect the fish, but they seem to be normal other than the clamped fins. Behavior is normal, and they’re both eating. I’ve included my full water parameters from my Co-Op test strips. I’m not so sure on the pH and kH numbers, I can confirm them with liquid tests tomorrow. 
Any advice? Thanks!



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With clamped fins I would do a couple of large water changes over the next couple of days if after that they still have clamped fins I would treat with antibiotic medication such as kanaplex or maracyn2 as clamped fins can be a sign of a bacterial infection 

Edited by Colu
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Hey @RadMax8, any updates on your CPDs? I just noticed that one of mine also has a clamped caudal fin. It’s a new addition to my tank, so I wasn’t sure if it was congenital or an infection since it appears to behave normally.

I’ve got Kanaplex on hand, but I also have 10 amanos. Just ordered Ciprofloxcin and Amoxicillin today, so I’m hoping nothing happens until then.

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On 11/6/2021 at 9:22 PM, RadMax8 said:

@Allan B. Well, no apparent losses yet, although the shrimp and snails make pretty quick work of any carcasses. I was able to get the Maracyn 2 (and some Kanaplex just in case) and I started treatment after a large water change. I’ll work to keep notes here so you can follow along. 

Good luck! I’ll be following along.

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Alright, update time. Still no apparent losses, which means I’ve not seen a pile of snails and shrimp anywhere. It doesn’t appear that any more fish have caught the illness, however one of the first to catch it seems to be struggling. It’s not eating and seems to be losing weight. It appears that it cannot open its mouth to eat, even though I’m using Xtreme flakes which I grind up finely in my fingers. That fish also has discoloration on its body in a couple places, almost like the color is draining away.

Not sure if I should try a second round of treatment or if I should try something else. Open to advice!

Thanks, all!

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Looks like Columnaris I would treat with kanaplex and furan2 together following this treatment schedule if you can't get furan2 I would use aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone the same active ingredient that in furan2 with kanaplex @RadMax8



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Well, I spent the majority of my evening fishing out the 20 CPDs in the tank, which was an exercise in patience. It’s amazing I didn’t destroy any of my plants, although I did have to pull out most of my pieces of Anubis’s-covered driftwood in the process. Hopefully they stayed moist enough…

The CPDs were transferred to an old 10 gal tank I had, which was their original home years ago. Tank was filled, mature sponge filter added, fish in, and kanaplex dumped in. I called 4 different fish stores, no one has any furan2 or bifuran. So I ordered some of the food, hopefully it’ll arrive early next week. Fingers crossed. 

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Alright, so I’ve put the 3rd treatment of Kanaplex in and started the medicated flake food yesterday. On my observations, I’m not really seeing much in the way of improvement. The fish with clamped fins are still clamped. I lost one fish who wasted away, and I’m close to having another. I’m unsure if that is a symptom of the infection or something different all together. First pic below is the expired fish, the next pics are one that is slowly wasting away. 

I’m beginning to wonder if I have something else going on with the fish as well.

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It possible you have two disease affecting your fish hollow belly are usually the sign of wasting disease the treatment for that is Fritz expel p active ingredient is levamisole  it one 24hr treatment then a water change and redose in 2weeks you can use it long side the the antibiotic treatment if your using them in food 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so I’m at a bit of a loss. I did three treatments of Expel P, however I still have fish which become so weak that they kind of float off to the corner to die. I honestly don’t think I have more than one fish who has gotten “better” this whole time, and it’s an older female with some type of either internal growth or she’s egg-bound. Regardless… what the heck do I do now?

  • Should I separate the symptomatic fish and the asymptotic?
  • Should I humanely cull the symptomatic fish so they don’t spread this mystery disease?
  • How long could this crap be lingering in my display tank? I’d hate for it to be there and wipe out all my fish once I put them back. I have shrimp in there but no other fish currently. 

This is the worst case of fish illness I’ve ever had. It’s extremely frustrating. Wish me luck.

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When fish have parasitic infection it can leave them vulnerable to secondary bacterial infection also the parasites can cause internal damage that means your fish can still die even after successful treatment I would do another course of the kanaplex and nitrofurazone flakes just in case any Columnaris just incase the Frist didn't finish it off and  don't put your fish back in the main tank for at least 5weeks as Columnaris bacterial can linger in the water Columnaris for up to 32 days with out a host

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