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Moss for ground cover

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So I have been working with moss in the 20 with the shrimp for about 18 months and change the moss on that tank to want you see now. I got it off Ebay and no idea what it is grows at a med/slow rate and stay a brownish green color but the shrimp and black loaches I have in there love as well. I can still never see them but at least the moss moves around where they are. In the other 75 gallon tank that you can see the Electric blue Jack Dempsey is really pretty new I had a small amount but almost ran out of the source so I stopped harvesting from one spot on my property. I idea what species of moss it is, it grows quicker underwater. Most of it was moved from the 20gal to put the eBay moss in. The moss covers about 12” then front to back. Since I have only been doing this for  short time and am planning on having 125 up and going by Dec if nothing happens. I was thinking of doing the whole tank with moss as ground cover. What do you think. 
this is mostly fish I have no where else to put

angels at different stages 
two Gouramis 
5 clown loaches  
4 discus pigeon blood ? 

Corys albino,pandas,Sterbai,Orange line, Green 
electric blue Jack Dempsey 

Plecos: L134, Several albino blue eyes 


What reason should I not do it and if I do is there fish I should not put in







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