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Betta Sorority Trio-Medication Quarantine Help!


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This is my first time using this forum. I need help or need someone to help me. I am currently starting a betta sorority and have all five female bettas each in their own temporary 2 gallon tanks. I purchased the medication trio: paracleanse, maracyn, and ich-x. However, the instructs call for treating 10 gallons of water. My five tanks are each 2 gallons. My question is: Can I get a bucket of 10 gallon of water mix all three medication into the bucket and then pour this mixture into the individual 2 gallon tanks for each betta? If someone can please help me out, I would gratefully appreciate it.

Thank you,


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There’s a handy video on the Fritz Aquatics website (makers of Maracyn) on how to treat aquariums smaller than 10 gallons. I can’t seem to link to it from my phone, but if you navigate to the Maracyn page, then under directions & dosage, scroll to the bottom and you’ll see the video link. I have several 3 gallon tanks and used this dosage method. 

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