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How do I fix an algae bloom?


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My aquarium has recently gotten a bit cloudier each day with a bit of a green tint. There’s a lot of algae I have to wipe from the glass, including some spot algae that’s very difficult to wipe off. 

I’m running a 30 gallon hang-on-back Marineland filter on a 29-gallon.


I’ve heard some people suggesting using the Mini Green Killing Machine. Does anyone have any tips, whether it’s to use that or any other methods?


I would really appreciate any help. Thanks!

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They work great as a quick fix but you have too many nutrients in your tank. If you stop using it the green water will most likely come back unless you fix what’s wrong. I have used them to fix the problem along with gravel vac water change cut back feeding and lighting and add more plants. I’m not a balanced tank expert someone here I’m sure can help you figure out exactly what the cause was. 

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Hello @erik.hueno, do you happen to know your water parameters? 

Also, what is your lighting and lighting schedule like? Is your aquarium getting additional light from an outside source like through a window for example? 

Often greenwater develops due to too much light. 

Like @Guppysnail mentioned, the uv sterilizer will get rid of the greenwater but it is not addressing the root cause of the issue. It will also not do anything to address the green spot algae.  

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Too much light would be my guess. I had the same issue until I adjusted my lighting schedule on one tank.

BTW, green spot algae comes off of glass very easily with a razor blade. I bought a tool that's just for that, with replaceable razor blades. Worked like a charm to get that obnoxious GSA off the glass. What was on plants and decorations gradually died off once I adjusted the lighting schedule (and remembered to keep the curtains closed that are close to that tank).

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