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Tanks re-arrangment


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Hi all.

I would like to ask for your opinion and advice.

Currently I have 5 tanks and quarantine containers. My 200ltr tank should arrive in a week or two and I am looking to move fish around and to end with 2 or 3 tanks. I was thinking about the mix as below and will appreciate your thoughts.

400ltr. (110gl) tank to include:
1. Crossocheilus reticulatus / Fishnet Flying Fox X6
2. Emperor Tetra / Nematobrycon palmeri X8
3. Angel Fish X3
4. Celebs Rainbow / Marosatherina ladigesi X10
5. Sterbai Cory X6
6. Adolfo's Cory X6
7. Bosemans Rainbow/ Melanotaenia boesemani X5
8. Melanotaenia Sahulensis X4
9. Yellow Rainbow / Melantaenia herbertaxelrodi X3
10. Western Rainbow / Melanotaenia Australis X6
11. Blue Rainbow / Melanotaenia lacustris X6
12. Neon Rainbowfish / Melanotaenia praecox X6

200ltr (53gl) tank to include:
1. White Cloud Minnow X7
2. Gold Cloud Minnow X5
3. Hengeli Rasbora X8
4. Threadfin Rainbowfish / Iriatherina werneri X6
5. Forktail Blue-eye Rainbow / Pseudomugil furcatus X14
6. Sewellia lineolata / Tiger Hillstream Loach X1

Currently the Pseudomugil furcatus are in a 30ltr cube tank with several shrimps. Would you leave them there or move them to the larger 200ltr tank? In the future I aim to add to the 400ltr. Congo Tetra / Phenacogrammus interruptus and Banded Rainbow M. Trifasciata. What do you think? Any other suggestions or changes?

Thank you.

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On 6/29/2021 at 2:56 PM, BenA said:

Hi all.

I would like to ask for your opinion and advice.

Currently I have 5 tanks and quarantine containers. My 200ltr tank should arrive in a week or two and I am looking to move fish around and to end with 2 or 3 tanks. I was thinking about the mix as below and will appreciate your thoughts.

400ltr. (110gl) tank to include:
1. Crossocheilus reticulatus / Fishnet Flying Fox X6
2. Emperor Tetra / Nematobrycon palmeri X8
3. Angel Fish X3
4. Celebs Rainbow / Marosatherina ladigesi X10
5. Sterbai Cory X6
6. Adolfo's Cory X6
7. Bosemans Rainbow/ Melanotaenia boesemani X5
8. Melanotaenia Sahulensis X4
9. Yellow Rainbow / Melantaenia herbertaxelrodi X3
10. Western Rainbow / Melanotaenia Australis X6
11. Blue Rainbow / Melanotaenia lacustris X6
12. Neon Rainbowfish / Melanotaenia praecox X6

200ltr (53gl) tank to include:
1. White Cloud Minnow X7
2. Gold Cloud Minnow X5
3. Hengeli Rasbora X8
4. Threadfin Rainbowfish / Iriatherina werneri X6
5. Forktail Blue-eye Rainbow / Pseudomugil furcatus X14
6. Sewellia lineolata / Tiger Hillstream Loach X1

Currently the Pseudomugil furcatus are in a 30ltr cube tank with several shrimps. Would you leave them there or move them to the larger 200ltr tank? In the future I aim to add to the 400ltr. Congo Tetra / Phenacogrammus interruptus and Banded Rainbow M. Trifasciata. What do you think? Any other suggestions or changes?

Thank you.

I’m personally a fan of heavy stocking in my own tanks... so my view will not be governed by worries about bio load. But one major caution: ensure your cycle is very established before adding all those fish, mate!

Are the Boesmanis and Angelfish currently in the same tank together? My thought is that a large, full grown bosemani might be too boisterous. Their recommended water conditions are kind of skewed in opposite directions... so maybe you’re planning to meet in the middle?

Edited by Fish Folk
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@Fish Folk First, thanks for your response.

The 400ltr is running as of Feb so I would say that it is well cycled. The filters in both tanks use the same media size so I plan to remove some sponges from the 400 to the 200 and a week later to move the fish from the 400ltr into the 200ltr.

The Bosmani are not fully grown but they are not far of it, they just start to show their colors, the angel are 3" & 4" high (body only without the fins). The Bosmani and angels are not in the same tank but the water parameters are the same and I keep all the tanks at 24C  (75F). I know that the Bosmani likes higher temp which will be increased once the fish split. If you mean the water PH and GH/KH then yes, the Angles are soft water fish but they are doing very well in mine PH 8 water, spawn and delivered free swimming fry.

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