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Photo Contests Overview for 2021 NERM Week!


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Hey Fellow Nerms,

With the upcoming celebrations for nerm week (July 12-17) (July 14th being NERM day) I thought I would share with you the different photo competitions that will be happening during nerm week. as well as the specifications and rules with each category! Both @FlyingFishKeeper and me will be running these competitions. Please private message @FlyingFishKeeper or me if you have any questions you can also reply in this thread!


Each photo competition will be posted by Monday of Nerm Week at 12pm local time (we hope to get these threads posted by noon, but no promises) Everybody will have until Wednesday (Nerm Day) 12pm participant’s local time. Voting will start right at Wednesday at noon, voting ends Saturday at noon. After @FlyingFishKeeper or I will be announcing the winners.

Please note that we will be going off your own time zone for this. What we mean is that when its 12pm on Wednesday in the UK, All the submissions for those in the UK will be due. Even though in the US Central Time it will be 6am when UK Submissions are due. So US Central Time member will still have 6 hours to upload their submissions.


If you wish to submit a photo please comply with the specific rules and specifications for each contest category. Each Category will have its own thread. @Flyingfishkeeper or I will specify the rules for each category upon posting of the thread. If your submission does not comply with the rules and specifications you will receive a private message to edit your post so that it does comply with the rules. If you have not fixed your mistake your submission will be deleted.

To submit simply upload your picture simply reply to the thread with your chosen picture(s). If you do not know how to upload a picture please visit this thread.


Voting is very simple! From Wednesday at noon local time to Saturday at noon local time voting will be taken place. To vote simply react to the post. You can vote for as many submissions as you want. Remember that if you react to too many posts you will “run out reactions” for the day, so please vote for only the ones you want to win.

Categories and Specifications

 Prettiest Aquatic Animal | 2021 NERM Week Fish Photo Comps!

The Prettiest Aquatic Animal! In this fish photo competition we will be voting for who we think has the most pretty aquatic animal on this forum!

Rules/ Guidelines for the Most Pretty Aquatic Animal Photo Competition:

·         This photo can be a picture of any aquatic animal! By this we mean an animal that spends a good majority of their day underwater. This could be a turtle, axolotl, Aquatic Invertebrates, Fish, Aquatic Frogs, Mudskippers, etc.

·         All animals entered must be a freshwater/ brackish water animal! No saltwater animal, as almost any saltwater fish/ animal would win!

·         This animal must be owned by the contestant posting the image! No getting photos of google!

·         You can post as many pictures of that fish as you would like. You must only have one submission! If you have more then one submission, we will delete the submission with the most reactions. Therefore if you wish to enter in multiple photos of your aquatic animal make it one post with the multiple photos.


The Water Dog | 2021 NERM Week  Fish Photo comps

The Water Dog! In this fish photo competition we will be voting for who we think has the most personable fish is!

Rules/ Guidelines for the Water Dog Photo Competition:

·         The fish that you have taken a picture of must be your own!

·         You must only have one photo/ video of your fish doing something personable! For example don’t post a video of your betta following your finger, and then a video of them jumping through a hoop. Even if its in the same submission. You can however upload a picture of your cute betta, and then a video of him following your finger. Just as long as the fish isn’t doing two different tasks.

·         Only one submission per person!


 You can’t do “BETTA” then that! | NERM Week 2021 Fish Photo Comps

In this photo competition we will be voting on the prettiest betta!

Rules/ Guidelines for the You cant do “BETTA” then that Competition:

·         The Betta you post must be your own Betta.

·         You can have multiple photos/ videos of your betta. Just make sure its all the same betta!

·         Only one betta and submission per person.


The Comeback Kid | 2021 NERM Week Fish Photo Comps

In this Fish Photo Competition we will be voting on the fish that made the biggest comeback. A Fish that was close to certain death but you were able to nurse them back to health. Your submission will include a picture of what they looked like at their worse, and what they look like now.

Rules/ Guidelines for the Comeback Kid Photo Competition

·         The fish you post must be your own fish

·         The fish that made the comeback could either be a “rescue fish” or a fish that went sick under your care (remember a sick fish doesn’t mean you’re a bad fish keeper)

If you break one of these rules you will receive a PM (Private Message) regarding your submission and the rule you broke. You will then have till Wednesday at 12am (when voting starts) to fix your mistake. If your mistake is still not fixed by that time your post will be deleted.


The Dean Level | 2021 NERM Week Aquarium Photo Comps

 You will be voting on the best breeding setup in terms of appearance AND function.

Rules/ Guidelines for The Dean Level

·         The submitted tank must have aquatic life breeding in it currently. This could be discus laying eggs, a thriving colony of shrimp, a Apistogramma watching their fry, etc.

·         Your post must contain one full tank shot, and  the option of up to 4 other shots. (One photo will be dedicated to showing that this tank has a form of breeding occurring.)

·         The Aquarium must be currently setup, and must be yours


The Best Scape | 2021 NERM Week Aquarium Photo Comps

You will be voting for the aquarium with the best-looking scape!

Rules/ Guidelines for The Best Scape

·         Your scape must NOT include a 2D background that is not a solid color. For example you can use a solid black 2D background but not a 2D background that has an image.

·         Post your submission with one full tank shot, and an option of up to 3 other pictures.

·         Your aquarium must be currently setup, and must be yours!


Best Invert Tank | 2021 NERM Week Aquarium Photo Comps

You will be voting on the best looking aquarium. This aquarium must only include aquatic invertebrates.

Rules/ Guidelines for The Best Invert Tank

·         The aquarium must only have invertebrates as the inhabitants, no fish allowed in the aquarium.

·         The Aquarium must be currently setup, and must be yours!

·         Your submission must include a full tank shot, and the choice of up to 3 other pictures.


Tubbin’ Time! | 2021 NERM Week Aquarium Photo Comps

The best outdoor ecosystem which contains aquatic life. All aquatic animals are accepted, as well as ANY sized container as long as it is outside. This can be your 3,000-gallon monster pond to your 5-gallon vase full of rice fish.

Rules/ Guidelines for Tubbin’ Time!

·         The pond/ tub you submit must be outside

·         This pond must be currently setup and must be yours!

·         Include one full pond shot, and the option of up to 3 other pictures.


Edited by James Black
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On 6/23/2021 at 11:16 AM, Nanci B said:

I’m confused. You posted this on Monday, June 21, 2021

however you state that  Nerm  Week is June 12-17? It seems as if the timing is off. Have we missed it?


Sorry, JULY 12 - 17th


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The Photo Contests are open for submissions on Monday Morning! Submissions will start whenever each individual photo contest thread is made. We plan that all threads will be up by Monday at noon. Get your pictures ready!

Submissions close Wednesday at noon participants local time! Voting will then start immediately after the submissions close. Voting will end saturday at noon! After we will announce the winners of each contest!

Monday Morning I will try and link each contest into this thread as well as the nerm week planning thread.

Good Luck!

Edited by James Black
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I posted some of the photo comps this evening as I will be away for the majority of the week:

And then @FlyingFishKeeper just posted their photo comps:

Edited by James Black
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