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Green Tiger Barbs - Anyone Familiar with Them?


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I had them in a big mixed school with regular tiger barbs years ago when I had larger tanks and I adored them. They are gorgeous and so, so active. I kept them with tank mates they wouldn't annoy too much: zebra danios and a BN pleco. If I can talk my husband into getting larger tanks in the future, I'll definitely include them in my plans.

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1 minute ago, ShySnail said:

I had them in a big mixed school with regular tiger barbs years ago when I had larger tanks and I adored them. They are gorgeous and so, so active. I kept them with tank mates they wouldn't annoy too much: zebra danios and a BN pleco. If I can talk my husband into getting larger tanks in the future, I'll definitely include them in my plans.

Thanks so much for the info! They were just so gorgeous in that tank yesterday, and since I'd never seen them, I was really impressed.

I'm looking to put some new fish into a 20L that is already established and houses a single red tail botia. (S)he is a lonely fish, as it's only mate jumped from the tank months back and of course, didn't make it. And I can't get it more of its own kind because a 20L is just too small for them. So it stays, until I can rehome it. But it doesn't bother the fish that have been with it - mostly guppies and some pygmy chain loaches. Those have all been moved to a 55g, except for 2 little crooked-backed guppies that I culled from the breeding group in the 55g.

I'm guessing I should find another home for those 2 guppies, if the green tiger barbs are super active. I'll have to think on that a bit. 

Thanks again for the info!

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Tiger barbs are great fun to watch a big group of. One of my favorite shows on tv! (Should tell you how little I watch tv)

I kept a mixed school of tiger barbs that was normals, albinos, greens, long finned normals and a couple platinums in a 65 with a rainbow shark and a couple SAE and a group of dojo (weather) loaches. All the different types schooled together and no, the long finned variants did not get fin nipped at all. The SAE got in a few shoving matches with the tiger barbs around feeding time, but no one was ever damaged. The rainbow shark (in typical rainbow shark fashion) declared that she was boss of the tank and any time I put in a spirulina tablet it was hers and no one else's. She would defend it vigorously from the tiger barb hoard,  but they'd still get a few bites in before she could gobble it down.

In another tank, I kept a group of half a dozen angelfish, a group of several dozen kuhli loaches, half a dozen hi-fin/lyretail swordtails and 25 tiger barbs (mixed albinos and greens). The tiger barbs ignored the kuhli loaches completely, even when they were glass surfing. The tiger barbs and angels were all put in when they were relatively small (angels were nickel sized) and they grew up together. The swordtails were the first ones in there so they could make plenty of live food for the barbs and angels. Yes I was absolutely curious to see if the 'nippy' tiger barbs would go after the big fins of angels or the swordtails, and if angels could be as mean as some people say they are. Thw swordtails were always bigger than the tiger barbs, and after one of the male swordtails turned around and bit a tiger barb back for nipping his tail, the tiger barbs respected and left the swordtails to the incessant plant pecking.The tiger barbs very quickly realized angels were to be given space as well, and that was that. The tiger barbs schooled around, the angels did their thing (which was usually hang out in the back wall of jungle val), the swordtails usually stayed at the top and picked at the roots of the dwarf salvinia and the kuhlis were adorable dorks that wiggled around on the bottom and in the plants. Pretty fun tank really. Tiger barbs are demonized about being nippy fish way too much. Just keep em in a decent sized school.

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5 minutes ago, Nataku said:

I kept a mixed school of tiger barbs that was normals, albinos, greens, long finned normals and a couple platinums in a 65 with a rainbow shark and a couple SAE and a group of dojo (weather) loaches. 

In another tank, I kept a group of half a dozen angelfish, a group of several dozen kuhli loaches, half a dozen hi-fin/lyretail swordtails and 25 tiger barbs (mixed albinos and greens).

Pretty fun tank really. Tiger barbs are demonized about being nippy fish way too much. Just keep em in a decent sized school.

This was excellent info, @Nataku, thank you so much! I'm thinking about a 20L for them...with one red tail loach and a few bottom dwellers. Any idea how they do with shrimp or ram's horns snails?

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Tiger barbs eat shrimp. Do not keep tiger barbs with shrimp. There won't be shrimp long. 

I used to get ghost shrimp and toss them in the tanks for the angels and tiger barbs. Feeding frenzy and those shrimp were gone in minutes.  Every group of tiger barbs I've ever had has chowed on ghost shrimp, so no, they are not a shrimp safe species.

Now snails? They couldn't give a hoot about snails. Ramshorn, bladder, pond, mystery, assassin, nerite, MTS.... they don't care about snails and don't bother them. They aren't a snail eating species.

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14 minutes ago, Nataku said:

Tiger barbs eat shrimp. Do not keep tiger barbs with shrimp. There won't be shrimp long. 

I used to get ghost shrimp and toss them in the tanks for the angels and tiger barbs. Feeding frenzy and those shrimp were gone in minutes.  Every group of tiger barbs I've ever had has chowed on ghost shrimp, so no, they are not a shrimp safe species.

Now snails? They couldn't give a hoot about snails. Ramshorn, bladder, pond, mystery, assassin, nerite, MTS.... they don't care about snails and don't bother them. They aren't a snail eating species.

Ok! No shrimp smorgasbord for the barbs! 😁  Seriously, this is all good-to-know information. Thank you SO much! 👍

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I currently have 6 of them in a 38 gal with 8 reg tiger Barbs, 2 Starfire Red GloFish tiger Barbs, 3 male platies, and 2 gold mystery snails ( so 16 tigers altogether). The green tigers were sold as 3 green and 3 Platinum, but I really think all six of them are "green platinum" bc it depends on the angle I look at them they can look regular green, shimmery green, or blue, or platinum green.  The green ones swim with just each other often, as well as with the whole group of tigers.

I have soft acidic tap water so I added crushed coral and a Wonder Shell to the tank and that made them more active. They pretty much completely leave the platies alone. And I just added my snails and have only noticed some light pecking curiosity and then they seem like they will leave them alone. So I agree that snails should be good with them.

On the other hand, I did have 3 emerald green corydoras in the tank when I first started adding tigers to it (8 regular tigers, no green or red ones yet) and they did get picked on and the tigers stole their food (bottom feeder pellets). All 3 are now dead and gone 😞 PERHAPS they had a disease, but I can't help but wonder if they were stressed and starved. I wouldn't personally mix corys or tiger barbs again....or any other slow eater bc these guys are very vigorous eaters and they also scavenge for food from the gravel and plants too. 

I'm still having some issues with this tank...flashing type behavior etc. so I don't know if there was a disease introduced a while back (I started the tank 4 mos. ago with the 3 platies, and 3 corydoras and gradually added the rest) that is still around but they can be very active fish. 

Link is video I couldn't upload:


 Not the best quality but hope this helps. 










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  • 2 weeks later...

We are picking up a dozen Green Tiger Barbs tomorrow! I am super stoked!!!

They will be going into a QT, by themselves. It is a 5-gallon bare-bottom tank, with multiple plants. I'll be adding hornwort to it, as well. I'll also be dosing with the Med Trio right away.

(After the Great Levamisole Parasite Cleanse of 2020 that completely crashed my 55-gal tank, I'm not taking aaaaany chances!)

Can't wait to get them and just thought I'd share the news!


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