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How much brine shrimp for Bettas?


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I'm going to set up a brine shrimp hatchery, to treat 2 bettas every once in a while.

How much brine shrimp should I use for 2 bettas and what ratios are recommended between water, salt and eggs?

Also, do I need a specific salt, or will table salt do?


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I would think that maybe hatching around 1/4 teaspoon of brine shrimp would be enough for two bettas. You can use any aquarium salt, rock salt, or reef salt. 

As far as ratio of water to salt, I use 1 tablespoon per liter of water.

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Saw the "newbie fish keeper" tag, so feel that sharing these thoughts might be appropriate: 

* Are you currently feeding your Bettas live brine and are they eating it well?  I have 8 Bettas and 3 of them are completely disinterested in eating brine shrimp.

* My experience is that feeding Bettas live food often increases their aggression and exploration of "I wonder how this tank mate tastes?".  If your plan is to keep your Betta's in with inverts (shrimp) or live bearers that produce live fry and not have them eat the young,  feeding live food on a regular basis might work against that goal.  For the record,  I've found that female bettas are usually as if not more aggressive with other tank mates than males.

Literal food for thought 🙂- Good luck and enjoy your Bettas!

Edited by NanoNano
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1 hour ago, Zenzo said:

I would think that maybe hatching around 1/4 teaspoon of brine shrimp would be enough for two bettas. You can use any aquarium salt, rock salt, or reef salt. 

As far as ratio of water to salt, I use 1 tablespoon per liter of water.


47 minutes ago, NanoNano said:

Saw the "newbie fish keeper" tag, so feel that sharing these thoughts might be appropriate: 

* Are you currently feeding your Bettas live brine and are they eating it well?  I have 8 Bettas and 3 of them are completely disinterested in eating brine shrimp.

* My experience is that feeding Bettas live food often increases their aggression and exploration of "I wonder how this tank mate tastes?".  If your plan is to keep your Betta's in with inverts (shrimp) or live bearers that produce live fry and not have them eat the young,  feeding live food on a regular basis might work against that goal.  For the record,  I've found that female bettas are usually as if not more aggressive with other tank mates than males.

Literal food for thought 🙂- Good luck and enjoy your Bettas!

Hmm... Well I am keeping her with some snowball shrimp, and actually I don't really mind if she eats some of their baby shrimplets.
What I don't want to happen is for her to eat the adults. So far she has absolutely no interest in them, and it seems like they know to be aware when she swims around.

I won't be feeding live too often as I'm too lazy to hatch them on a daily basis - probably once every week or two. Plus, the tank is heavily planted and I'm always adding more plants, and replanting stems. I guess I'll find out soon if she stays calm - hopefully testing that just once won't make her kill every single shrimp in her tank.

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