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Floating Mystery Snail


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I passed by my main tank and observed a mystery snail floating with the circulation of the water. The snail was as mostly inside the shell but a little on the outside. I have seen my snails sleep this way but never as they are floating around. I went to retrieve my phone for a photo but by the time I got back to the tank the snail was on the floor of the tank. Is this a symptom of illness or even death?

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1 hour ago, Sombat said:

I passed by my main tank and observed a mystery snail floating with the circulation of the water. The snail was as mostly inside the shell but a little on the outside. I have seen my snails sleep this way but never as they are floating around. I went to retrieve my phone for a photo but by the time I got back to the tank the snail was on the floor of the tank. Is this a symptom of illness or even death?

They sometimes take little floating siestas. You can pick it up and give it a sniff to check if it's still alive, but most likely it's fine. 

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Im not a mystery expert, but i have been keeping them for years and i have been breeding them and selling them to my lfs so i have tons of them.

My experience when they were floating like that there is something wrong and they eventually will pass, maybe in the next month.

I havent observed the behavior on any of the snails i raised at my house, just some i would get from a fish store. Do you notice your other snails hanging near the top/water line?

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