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Ram question


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So I picked up a pair of golden rams today at a clubs swap meet. For those of you who keep rams what do you recommend to feed them?  It was busy at the table when I bought them and completely forgot to ask the seller what he feeds his. 

The rams ate tonight but the only picked at the food. I fed them food that I had gotten from Imperial Tropicals that I feed my Mbuna’s. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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59 minutes ago, Ben Ellison said:

Rams in general aren't very aggressive eaters in my experience. I try to feed them slow sinking pellets,brine,and blood worms. I kinda target feed them a bit.

Thank you.  I will be heading out tomorrow to try and pick up some of those.  They also might have been picky since they had a stressful day of sitting in a bag for hours

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I have the opposite experience with my rams and they will eat absolutely everything I give them. They're also one of the first fish to swim to the top for food. Sometimes I'm afraid they'll explode with how much they stuff themselves.. I have them in almost all my tanks and they're the first to swim to the glass for food. Flakes, frozen food, repashy, live worms, pellets, even blanched zucchini will have bites taken out of it. They're fearless and the one I keep with my puffers will even run off with whole earthworms, stealing them from my puffer, even though she can't eat it.


Edit: Reading the other responses, I feel like my rams are very broken or just weirdos. No sane fish would challenge puffers for food after all.

Edited by Eclipse
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My Rams are little piggies. The eat from the top, middle, search around on the bottom, do a little dance in front of the tank when they want food. I have always read that they are slow chewers, but I can see mine trying to speed chew through each bite so they can get to the next. I feed mine New Life Spectrum pellets, Vibra bites, bloodworms, and Brine shrimp but they will eat pretty much anything. 

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On 9/13/2020 at 9:41 AM, Ben Ellison said:

I wonder if it's the temperament of their tank mates that is a big factor. I have mine with angels and rainbow cichlids so they are a fair bit smaller than them in over all size.  

That could be it. My rams are usually the largest fish in their tanks with the exception of my puffer in my community tank. But my puffer prefers being a lazy bum and only chases other puffers away from her food. My ram can literally snatch her worm right out of her mouth and run off with it.

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They eat pretty much anything in my experience. I do sinking cichlid pellets, krill flakes, community repashy, and blood worms mostly. They love blood worms the most, but mine definitely do not swim to the top. They won't even eat food out of the water column, they wait for it to hit the ground then slowly chew away. Sometimes they spit it out and do that nonsense for a bit before swallowing.

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11 minutes ago, Andy's Fish Den said:

They could be still settling into their new home as well, so they may be a little reluctant to eat the first day or two. In my experience rams are good eaters, and haven't had problems with them not wanting to eat certain foods, they usually eat pretty much anything I throw in the tank.

I definitely think it was them getting used to their new home.  They have been eating much better and definitely seem to love the bloodworms.

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