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Betta Mouth Rot and Large Bump


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Hi there, I’ve had bettas for years now and never have had any issues with disease. This is new for me and I don’t see much online except that it’s a sign of columnaris? My bettas mouth looks like it’s being eaten away. And he has a large “pimple” (maybe a tumor?) right in front of his right eye. It almost looks like it’s filled with liquid. When he swims around the glass and sometimes bumps his head on the glass you can see it smoosh. I’ve tried Kanaplex, Para Cleanse, Melafix, and Pimafix (not at the same time) but nothing is working. Has anyone seen this before? All I could find is that it’s columnaris but not sure... I’ve had him about a year and 5 months now. Feed him 1-2 pellets a day and fast day on Sundays. Water parameters look fine and “normal”. 0 Nitrite, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrate, pH is about 7.2. That’s normal where I live. He is in a well planted and definitely cycled 5 gal Fluval tank and has nerite snails and about 20 mixed color shrimp with him. Not sure where this came from. 

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On 5/7/2021 at 7:09 AM, ADrummer said:

Hi there, I’ve had bettas for years now and never have had any issues with disease. This is new for me and I don’t see much online except that it’s a sign of columnaris? My bettas mouth looks like it’s being eaten away. And he has a large “pimple” (maybe a tumor?) right in front of his right eye. It almost looks like it’s filled with liquid. When he swims around the glass and sometimes bumps his head on the glass you can see it smoosh. I’ve tried Kanaplex, Para Cleanse, Melafix, and Pimafix (not at the same time) but nothing is working. Has anyone seen this before? All I could find is that it’s columnaris but not sure... I’ve had him about a year and 5 months now. Feed him 1-2 pellets a day and fast day on Sundays. Water parameters look fine and “normal”. 0 Nitrite, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrate, pH is about 7.2. That’s normal where I live. He is in a well planted and definitely cycled 5 gal Fluval tank and has nerite snails and about 20 mixed color shrimp with him. Not sure where this came from. 

It's difficult to no for sure what's definitely going on.it could be columnaris I would treat with kanaplex and furan 2 together 

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