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  1. Is this a deficiency? I dose with easy green but split it between 2 doses a week in a 60 gallon tank. I run an AquaSky 2.0 and no CO2. To me they are the only plants out of crypts, anubias, crinum, Madagascar lace, vals, and apongoneton that looks this beat up, aside from some GSA If it’s a deficiency what kind and how do I fix it. Or are they just old leaves that need to get pulled? Thanks
  2. I have a question i had a windelov java fern for over a year and it has grown wonderful but i went from a 30 gallon to a 65 gallon tank and it was cycled for about 3 weeks i moved my plants and now it died and i removed it from the 65 gallon tank i was wondering is there anything else to do before i get another one?
  3. I bought some plants from the co-op and unfortunately usps shipping got it to my house a week after I ordered it and left it out side in Colorado winter. There was a lot of leaf death on the one fern, one other Java fern lost two leaves but was overall fine (along with the other plants). I heard they are slow growers and was hoping the rhyzome didn't freeze and it would be fine. It has been about a month and am wondering if I should keep hoping? I haven't seen new growth but some of the rhyzome still looks green... I don't have any experience with ferns yet. I will say that the leaf structure of the windelov looks cool 10/10 would buy again. I also cut the dead leaves off and was wondering if that was fine or not recommended (maybe the plant could have salvaged some of the leafs energy?). Apparently I don't have any recent pictures, I'll upload one later. PS. I learned that when ordering, take national holidays into account... along with weekends... and Covid delays...
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