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  1. Come on.... we all have them. That one tank that is amazing, that grows plants like nobody's business, that the fish love, that the shrimp love, that just thrives.... but it is ugly. So we never share pictures of them, because they don't LOOK the way we want them to. We don't find them pretty enough to share. So I thought I would make a place where we could share our ugly tanks that rock. I will introduce ours... please show me yours! Meet our 5 gallon, acrylic, curved tank that was part of a kit. It never looks clean, it always has algae, we can never get the substrate nice looking.... but this tank rocks. Plants thrive in here, plants that die in any other tank. (I mean, just look at that anubias in there) Our cherry shrimp LOVE this tank, and are always moving about and active. Our green neons LOVE this tank, and have done very well, and stayed healthy. This tank never seems to have parameter problems, but we never share pictures of it. Why? Because it isn't the prettiest, but if I am being honest, it is our best functioning tank.
  2. Alrighty Here is my 40 gallon that is UGLY and needs a rescape. It is stocked with... -Angelfish x3 -Zebra Danios x6 -CardInal Tetras x5 -Upside Down Catfish x2 -Bristenose Pleco I plan on getting more danios and cardinal tetras (to make it 12 danios, 10 cardinals) Yes I know this is overstocked, but I do regular water testing and waterchanges. Okay now, what I dont like about the tank... -The light will support plants, but constantly make my water look orange (I have tested it is the light) I want to invest in the Fluval 3.0, but not right now. -I need plants. Everything died from my green water incident and not to mention my stupid self wanting to pick up green hedge a non aquatic plant (I didn't know it was non-aquatic at the time) -But I need some suggesttions of plants. I really like Crypts and Java Fern, but what do you guys think?
  3. I seriously have no idea what plants I have and what would work. Yes, there is a filter cartridge in there. Wanted it to grow some bacteria before the one in the filter dies! Not even sure if this works with this kind of filter!!!! Ugh, I hate that I’m so new, but I’m really willing to learn any suggestions are appreciated, just be nice to me 🤣
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