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  1. Please advise as I bought 8 panda cory catfish and I quarantined for 4 weeks in a tank with white sand. I did the trio of meds recommended by A/C. I moved them into my 55 gallon tank. it was relatively new (like 2 months into nitrogen cycle). one died and I checked parameter and ammonia was a little high like .25ppm. so I kept vigilant and tested and fixed the problem. ammonia only once went to 1.0ppm. Well as of yesterday, 6 have died. I can not figure out why. I lost a couple platy along the way to maybe bloat. one had whirling disease so I thought maybe a parasite. I fed the whole tank with a parasite food for 3 days as recommended on the label. The only thing I have tried to adjust without success is my water temp. it is at 78 degrees. My eheim heater is now set at 75 degrees, yet the actual temp goes back to 78 even after a 30% water change. I did do a w/c last night. parameters have been steady at zero ammonia, zero nitrites and about 30-40ppm nitrates. I am down to TWO. also some of my fluval stratum substrate was above the black sand and I noticed all the dead corys were at that end of the tank. Last night, I scooped up some sand to redistribute it and cover the gravel. I will get more sand to make it a blanket of sand.. Meanwhile I have 3 panda garras quarantining (did the trio on them too) in the white sand tank that I wanted to put in the 55 gal (to help with algae) but I am afraid to put them in the 55 gal. the 55 gal has lots of platys and mollies, nerites and little snails. all friendly...and 4 little platy fry born in the last week. (so tiny I put in a mesh breeder box). I am obsessed with this problem so please please give me advice.
  2. Paul

    Dying Cory's

    I have a well established tank (29 gal) with stable parameters pH 6.0, N3 0, N2 0, and Am .25. All the other fish in this tank are doing great. I had a group of Panda Cory's in there for well over a year all's good until abut 6 weeks ago when I found them all dead when I went to feed the tanks. Once I removed all the dead Cory's I treated the tank with General Cure (I followed the treatment procedure). Waited a month all the other fish are still doing great. I even transferred some of the fish into another tank with Cory's in it with no losses. So I get another group of Cory's quarantine them for a couple of weeks then put them in the 29 gallon where all the fish are doing great. I go to feed the tanks the following morning and the Cory's in that tank are all dead. I did notice some bruising on the bodies behind the gills. I don't have this issue in any of my other tanks with basically identical parameters. Any thoughts?
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