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  1. Has anyone kept emerald rasboras at 68 degrees F? I see rasboras listed at different temperature ranges. Just wondered what experiences people have had with them.
  2. I was on another thread, about breeding for profit, but I think I have decided to skip the "for profit" part and just let nature take its course. If I get fry, then great, otherwise, the tank will look good (only display tank, so that is the real goal at this point). I have decided on A. Borelli (either 2 pairs, or a male and 3 or 5 females), a few (no idea how many I can have) gymnogeophagus Balzani (or more colorful, if I can find them), and some sort of dither fish (maybe Buenos Aires tetra, or Odessa barbs). At this point, I will be keeping the tank at room temp (the air gets down to 62ish in winter, and no more than 80 in the summer, so the water in the tank should stay above 65 and below 75. no heater. tank water: Gh=150ppm Kh=200-230 Ph~8.0/// tap water (based on the city water report) Tds is 350 with a range between 340-360. (Ppm) "Specific conductance" is 500 ranges between 480-520 (umhas/cm) 1) are there any other super colorful SA fish that would work with the ones I like (the gymnogeos, and apistos)? 2) any idea if the gymnogeos and apistos will kill each other during spawning (probably just breeding the apistos...) 3) what should the stocking numbers look like? Thanks. Sorry for changing my mind on a dime, it is SO difficult to find fish that I like and that don't need 8 million gallon tanks to keep LOL
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