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  1. Hi folks, today I have a sad topic for you all and I hope some of you can be of assistance. Let me lay out what is happening, I have a 20g long, home to what was 6 panda corys, fast forward to now only 2 with one about to pass as I type 😭. The tank was pretty much cycled, I will link some topics about cycling it and also I will share some info about why I thought it was. But back to the topic, My tank is crashing fast, ammonia all the sudden is present and there is BGA BBA and GBA all over the tank, it is out of control, I have lost 4 panda corys in a span of 4 weeks or so, 2 in a span of 3 days. IDK HOW. It is a another mystery of why in the heck my tanks I own always have ammonia after the fact. I am so discouraged. The aquarium has lots of live plants and driftwood. Plants: Val, (lots and lots) anubias hastifolia, Amazon sword, micro sword, water wisteria, water sprite, and something else that is slipping my mind I think.... 8 pcs of spider wood. Two AC sponge filters on either side. Medium size, 20gs and up sponges. I have yet to clean one that I set up only a week or two back because the other was struggling to keep the aquarium clean on only one side. The tank has a nicrew full spectrum light. (yep not the best light, but the only thing in the budget at the time I bought it sadly. BGA is overwhelming the plants, in the water every where, sponges are struggling. The tank is falling to pieces. Please I need help. Water parameters. Ammonia: a lil more than 0... Nitrite 0. Ph is 7.5 Idk about nitrates at the moment. will check a little bit later. I have done less maintenance recently bcs in the later months of the year, I am very very very busy. I was not home yesterday hardly at all. Work, errands, etc. My first cory died of i think was just stress from acclimation, and sometimes you know they just don't make the trip from the online seller, AH. Cannot say name but AH is it. I acclimated right too. Next one died from columnaris, a huge severe infection, and died quickly before I could treat.... after that the fish just died randomly. Not kidding. Just would swim upside down, sideways, etc. My one of two left is now doing this........ I am almost depressed, but hey this is how the hobby can be sometimes. Links and pics of the tank. Some of these are random, but all consist to the 20 long. If I forget info, please let me know, I got home at midnight, lol. wow that took a while lol. TIA guys. Should I transfer fish to my 10g tank, with 5 WCMMs, and no ammonia nitrite. Very established 72 degree tank? My 20g tanks temp is 75 btw. @Tony s, thoughts?
  2. I am struggling with what to do with my 10g topfinn hob filter and cartridge. It has been a solid 3 months since changing my filter cartridge. It is dirty, and I mean dirty, and the filter has been overflowing (going over the small part by the outflow of the hob on the right of the picture which is highlighted down below. But I have a crushed coral bag in the hob and have no room to put a second cartridge in for a week or two so bacteria will get in there, so transferring bacteria is what I mean. So could I take out my crushed coral bag from hob? The crushed coral is for my snail, because my water is really soft and crushed coral has good stuff in it for snails I hear. But no room for a second cartridge. I know I know, I have a topfin “replacement” cartridge in there rn. Yes I was tricked when I was a newbie thinking that you can only use those for this Specific filter. Wrong! I know you can use filter pads that much much longer. But this one is starting to break down and all. So need to change. So main Q. Can I take crushed coral completely out of the tank for a week or two to put the replacement cartridge behind the old and present one in the hob. Will the water have water quality issues if I take crushed coral out of tank? Should I even be worrying about that. Could I put the crushed coral sitting loose in tank or hang it from something? Does my nerite snail need crushed all the time? Whoops that was like 5 questions lol. Also idk if my tank is getting clogged, because the water is overrunning a spot where water shouldn’t be. And I read on instructions a long time ago saying, if it overruns that part on the outlet you need to change your cartridge. I guess that’s right. I hope you get my point, kinda hard to explain. But I need to change the filter cartridge and need help with these Qs I have mentioned. TIA guys and I gladly will take any info I receive. 🙂 -Whitecloud09
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