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  1. Colorado had a bit of a wind event yesterday. The power up here was among the 10,900 + households that had an outage as a result of that wind. Our power was lost from 11am until 10pm. BLUF it is interesting to see what occurs in a power outage and how I did not have the air pump I use, a 9 watt 6 LPM on any kind of battery back up, uninterrupted power supply, etc for the duration of this event. I also heat a few tanks the puffers vs the room since many of the species I am working on are cool water. This sensor is the top level of the cool water rack (unheated) it is the water temperature of a 26"x18"x9" polycarbonate tank with tight cover made from a restaurant supply commercial vegetable / soup storage container. It is located within the same room as the furnace and fish room water change sink. The temperature gradient is pretty smooth compared to the next chart. I attribute this to the furnace and its ductwork controlling the temperature of the room as it heats the ductwork. On Wednesday 12/15 the room temperature increased slightly after the power loss. The furnace was likely on prior to the loss in power and the ducts heated the room from 62.87° to 63.57° where it remained from noon to 6:01pm. The tank water temperature dropped down to 61.95° at midnight. The difference between the power loss and the heating cycle is something I had not considered prior to reviewing this sensor. The air, including the box filter, was off from 11am until 10 pm. For the duration of the outage I did not have a space blanket on this tank. No losses observed. I assume each tank in the room was similar temperature gradient. This rack contains Taiwanese Dragon Micro Goby (Schismatogobius ampluvinculus), Brazos Dwarf Mexican Crayfish (Cambarellus texanus), Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi), and Characodon audax "El Toboso" Black Prince Livebearer. No one really needs too much heat in that group By comparison the below chart is for the same event for the Pao cf. palustris fry tank a 20 gallon acrylic tank, a box filter and heavy plantings of duckweed, frogbit, Brazilian Pennywort, java moss, and subwassertang. They have a 200 watt heater attached to an inkbird controller with a 1 degree variation and a set temperature of 77°. Tanks is covered and a spaceblanket was put over the top of the tank when the power cut off. The power went out on a downcycle at 11am 76.55° where it steadily dropped to 74.21° at 3:01pm. The power briefly kicked back on and the temperature blipped back up to 74.57° before dropping down to 70.79° at 10:01pm. The heater brought the temperature up 7 ° over 60 minutes. It recovered to 77.74° at 1am. That drop was fairly concerning and I will probably have some portable powerstation option moving forward and maybe try to do an airpump in a cooler with heatpacks to keep the airtemperature up a bit and maybe retain heat in the tanks through the use of warmed air. This chart is the air temperature in the fish room where the 20 gallon tank and most of the heated tanks are located. During the outage the air temperature drop and the water temperature drop were a fairly similar pattern. The air dropped about 9° while the water dropped 7° all the acrylic tanks were similar temperatures based of the heater displays. Interesting to see the tracks of the temperatures for this event. To this point there have been no issues with the water quality or the health of the fish. Everyone has been active and eating. I may have lucked out with this one; perhaps the stressor of the temperature was survivable with the good food and water they normally live in.1 stressor and not many stressors. Has anyone every tried to flatten that temperature drop line a bit? What has worked best for you? I'm sure in nature the swings are bigger than that 9° and 7° but at a minimum i would probably have the air going next time.
  2. I've been seeing more and more people post terrible news about their pets freezing to death due to major power outages. I thought the community here could offer some of their best tips to help our fellow hobbyists and keepers get through this super scary time. I've seen people using car batteries although I wouldn't know exactly how to set that up. Also those portable car jumper/battery things seem like a good option. I'm lucky enough to have power up here in Washington but my family in Texas isn't so lucky. (They don't keep fish or aquaria though).
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