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  1. Just wanting some input on this, as I had trouble finding contents posted by the Co-Op specifically on this equipment type. Not sure if the Ziss Bubble Filter counts, but I was thinking something more similar to this (just as a reference): https://fluvalaquatics.com/us/u-series/ https://www.amazon.com/Sicce-SIC113-Filtration/dp/B007GCFYW4 Are they not talked much about because many of them have quality defects or user-friendly issues? Or is it in the Co-Op's opinion that sponge/HOB filters simply perform better? I like my HOB because it takes little tank space, but it sometimes makes a lot of noise by vibrating against the glass or creating a waterfall when water level drops. That's how I became curious on internal power filters, but I don't want to waste money...
  2. There are all sorts of styles of filters. I think it would be valuable to have threads that focus on each type. Let's share some of the internal power filters that we have used in the hobby. I like them for my small tanks when I want small units that also provide directional flow.
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