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  1. Heyo! I have a 30gallon (about 110 liters) aquarium. It currently has mainly epiphyte and midground & background plants, but is definitely lacking foreground plants. Currently, here are the plants I am considering: monte carlo (micranthemum tweediei ‘Monte Carlo’) staurogyne repens water-clover (marsilea hirsuta) lobelia cardinalis cultivar dwarf species of crypts However, I am a bit of a newbie with plants, and was hoping someone could give me some advice on these or share their personal experience! I do really like crypts but I would want a smaller / dwarf variety. That being said there are so many species I don't know where to start haha 😄 I also do love water-clover but will it grow okay in an aquarium? If you have any recommendations other than the ones I listed, please let me know too! I'd appreciate it!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! other potentially important info dirted tank, no liquid fertilizer no co2 30 gallons / 113 liters sponge filter 23 degrees C (74 degrees F) high light (8 hours a day) stocked with pygmy cories, adding harlequin rasboras & honey gourami within next few weeks pH 7.0 | dGH 8 | dKH 6 bowfront i like jungle / dutch style aquariums with lots of plants heheheheheheheh i am willing to have medium to high maintenance plants
  2. Needing something to cover my foreground. I pretty well had it done with dwarf hairgrass until a certain 3 year old went digging for fun, and i don't have the patience to wait that long again. Algae keeps taking over the bare area. I was thinking hydrocotyle Japan. Does this spread pretty quickly? Will it cover fairly thick? Any other tips/tricks? I'm going to say I have at least medium light, no co2.
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