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  1. Hi, I have 30 corydoras, 16 rummy nose tetras, 8 otocinclus, 9 very young Chili rasboras, and a few Amano shrimp in my 55gal. Just got 15 corys about 4 days ago and the other 15 corys 2 weeks ago. Water parameters: 0:0:10-15, ph: 7.4 temp: set at 76 drops to 72.5 at night because of environmental temperature. I just noticed a few corydoras have these white little string clusters on their fins. Its not on their body and isn't little whit spots like ich. Any idea what it is? About 10 have a little. Only the corys have this stuff and they're acting and eating fine. Also, my corys sometimes flash after sifting the really fine sand through their gills, only my corydoras are flashing. Is that normal for fine sand tanks and corys? I'm thinking its a fungal thing caused by a combination of not having gravel vacuumed the sand at all and stress from being new to the tank. Im thinking of gravel vacuuming then doing a 30% water change and seeing how this go. If it doesn't go away, Im thinking of quarantining them and treating with api fungus cure. My worry with medicating is that the medication will be too strong for the younger little corys and I only have a 5.5gal quarantine tank.
  2. Water param: nitrites and nitrates are 0ish, ph 7.0, kh 40-80ppm, Gh 60-90ppm I have tiger barbs that do not act right no matter what I do. They don't always act lethargic, but these are what I notice when they're "off"....symptoms: nervous acting, pale, flicking fins while staying still for long periods of time, darting to the top for air, red slightly open gills, flashing, scraping, not as eager to eat but they will. I've adjusted the water to raise the ph and harden it(my tap is soft and acidic), I treated with api general cure a month ago...which states it treats gill flukes, which I why I think it might be gill MITES. Is that even treatable? And if so, what's the best med? oh...I currently have a mixture of carbon and zeolite in my hob in case my ammonia was high. I just did a water change on Saturday. They get fed well.
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