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  1. I known most of you seasoned and experienced fish keepers have your own personal way you like to feed your community fish, whether it's once daily, twice daily, in the morning only, at night, different foods every day or same food every day - everyone has their own rhythm that works for their lives and their fish. I'm interested in hearing what your schedule is like! I'll go first! (Just keep in mind that I'm still tweaking) My 29g Community tank houses 16 Cardinal Tetra we call 'The Mafia', 6 Panda Corydoras we call 'The Crew', 5 Nerite Snails (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Bob), 8 Ghost Shrimp collectively called "The Invisibles" and 1 Grumpy but handsome Yellow Dragonscale Plakat Betta called 'Yuzu'. Mon -A.M.: Hikari Freeze Dried Daphnia - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking waters (after lights out for Cories) Tue -A.M.: Xtreme Nano - P.M.: N/A Wed -A.M.: Hikari Vibrabites - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking Wafers Thu -A.M.: Tetra Freeze Dried Blood Worms. - P.M.: N/A Fri -A.M.: Xtreme Nano - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking Wafers. Sat -A.M.: Vibrabites - P.M.: N/A Sun- FASTING (Tank Maintenance) I did just purchase Repashy Community Plus and Sera O-Nip Nature Treat Tablets, so I'll have to figure out how I'll add those in and when... but, that's currently my feeding schedule!
  2. I've been battling high nitrates even with ~50 percent water changes every week, so I'm thinking I have an ammonia issue, which leads me to how much I'm feeding my little puffs. I have six juveniles in my 10g right now and hand feed them a combination of frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp twice a day until each one has a round belly, then immediately remove any leftovers and debris. This might be a hard question to answer, but am I going overboard?
  3. For those of us who have quite a few different foods and want to offer a variety to provide a balanced diet — How do you decide what to feed and when? Do you have a set schedule? Do you wing it? I currently am feeding: frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, xtreme krill flake, xtreme nano pellets, xtreme sinking wafers, repashy soilent green, and just ordered a setup to feed live baby brine shrimp I try to do one “dry” food (flake or pellets) and one “fresh” food (frozen, live, or repashy) feeding per day for most of my tanks. I love the idea of a master feeding schedule to go off of, though!
  4. Heres what mine looks like: SUNDAY - Pellets/ Flakes MONDAY - Pellets/ Flakes TUESDAY - Fluval Bug Bites WEDNESDAY - Waterchange Wednesday, Feeding Pellets/ Flakes THURSDAY - Day of rest (fasting all fish) FRIDAY - Frozen Foods Friday (blood worms, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, etc.) SATURDAY - Pellets/ Flakes I will throw in some live black worms and Baby Brine Shrimp as a treat every now and again. Do you feed once or twice a day or more?? I only feed once a day.
  5. Can anyone share your Fish food diet rotation weekly plan? I usually store all my dry foods in a box. I saw few videos where @cory and @irene store their foods in fridge. Do you guys store dry fish food in refrigerator apart from frozen foods?
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