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  1. I have this stuff, that i think might be algae, on many of my plants. The main issue is that it holds onto all the grey detritus, or is the collection of it in my tank. The water is super clear, but when i try to clean the stuff, all the much goes everywhere. When i get the muck off, the fuzzy things are almost clear. Is anyone familiar with this?
  2. Good Morning 🙂 I saw this little 5 gallon at the LFS and thought it was kinda neat. I purchased it for something to do till my 40 gallon breeder get here. I set the tank up on Feb 27th and due to shipping delays, plant selection is just not available, and I don't want to risk ordering and have dead plants arrive, so I was just going to wait a few weeks. I added 1 plant, sand substrate, and all that other jazz. I changed the rocks out just to match better. For fun, I checked the chemistry yesterday march 3rd (see below) and was surprised. Later that evening, suddenly all this white stuff (which looked like someone dropped Kleenex in the water) started floating around. I managed to get most of it out, and this morning it seems fine. What was it? I didn't have it happen in my 20 gallon. Is it because I don't have enough plants? I also provided a picture of the filter drawer, which has a pump, heater and filter (which I changed out for a coarse sponge instead of the disposable ones).
  3. Hi. I have a sand substrate and a lot of rocks in my Tanganyikan 55 gallon tank. I'm looking for recommendations for a gravel vacuum or similar which has a thin enough end to reach into spaces between rocks. Thanks in advance.
  4. I was cleaning my 10 gallon where I have a small hap growing out with 4 dwarf chain loaches to put size on him so being doing water changes every two days and feeding more but first time I actually cleaned the substrate in that tank it’s been running for 2 to 3 months so had some left over in the tank floating around just installed a tidal 35 will it pick it up or am I better off removing more water if the fish won’t be ok will all that floating in the tank ?
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