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About Me

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  1. I have a racer nerite snail in my goldfish tank; its name is Snowpatch. It was named for the white patch on the shell. No one wanted it because its shell wasn't perfect, so I brought the snail home to help with the algae in the aquarium and for the kiddo to enjoy. I noticed Snowpatch's handiwork on a pot in the tank. You can see exactly where the radula scraped off the algae. I rather like it; it has kind of a tribal art pattern to it. The beauty of nature in my living room! What "natural art" have you seen in your aquariums?
  2. My son loves to draw and I came home to this today. Here's his free hand of Murphy @Cory
  3. I have 40 years of professional photography experience, graphic design, and art. I’ve lectured internationally, been a college professor, and taught amateurs and professionals. I’m here to help you any way that I can. I had aquariums growing up, and early in my family life. Now that I’m retired I’m getting back into the hobby. I’ll be setting up a 75 gallon, heavily planted tank, with a mix of red and green plants. I will run CO2, and exploring a variety of options for both fish and plants. I prefer things to be unique and different. I’m drawn to things that allow me to express my creativity.
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