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  1. One of my angelfish has bent pectoral and dorsal fins. I have a couple questions about this. Is this bad for the fish or just cosmetic. Can it go away. Should I try to not breed this fish if it is genetic. It is a koi angel if that means anything and is about the size of a 50 cent coin.
  2. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE angelfish. I came across this article explaing the recessive and dominant genes of an angelfish. Keep in mind that when breeding angelfish this isn't a must have information all though it can be very helpful when trying to breed a desired trait for an angelfish. This a very interesting read and I reccemend it to any nerm that likes sience or biology. https://pethelpful.com/fish-aquariums/How-to-keep-Angelfish-Tropical-Tank-Set-Up Here are the recessive and dominant genes in a angelfish: Common Phenotype Genetic Symbol Domestic Silver + Dark D Marble M Gold Marbled Gm Gold g Zebra Z Sripeless S Smokey Sm Veiled V Streaked St Pearlscale P Albino a a Capitol letter being a dominot gene and lowercase being a recessive gene.
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