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Can bent angelfish fins be fixed.


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One of my angelfish has bent pectoral and dorsal fins. I have a couple questions about this. Is this bad for the fish or just cosmetic. Can it go away. Should I try to not breed this fish if it is genetic. It is a koi angel if that means anything and is about the size of a 50 cent coin.

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Fin deformation is permanent it could be genetic or it could have been stunted by being keeped in to smaller tank it should no cause any long term problem for the fish  I would not breed from it just in case its genetic 

Edited by Colu
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I've seen fish with bent/damaged fins get better with time. It's not bad for the fish. It just is what it is. When it comes to breeding, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Does the fish have some other quality that you can't find in another fish in your group? Are you willing to cull mercilessly should the bent fins be genetic? (Bear in mind most of the people who get your fish down the road won't be breeding them and will just want a pretty fish. Breeding in a 'weakness' such as a deformed fin becomes more of an issue for you down the road than for anyone else as most others won't be breeding them. If people don't want deformed fish, your market dries up.) If your fish with bent fins has a color, pattern, marking, etc. that you've never seen before, then breeding with the bent fin fish may be the only way to pass on those genes and by selective culling you may be able to breed out the bent fins, but keep the color, marking, pattern you want. There is no absolute answer. Maybe at some point bent fin angelfish become a trend and people will pay a fortune for them. It's working now with short-body fish. Twenty years ago short-body fish would have been culls. Now they're selling for hundreds/thousands of dollars. It's a strange world sometimes. Who's to say angelfish with massively deformed fins won't become a trend down the road. You could be on the cutting edge of a new trend in designer angelfish. Maybe someday a Kardashian will be carrying a portable aquarium/purse with a bent fin angelfish in it that derived from this one. You never know.

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