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  1. I actually read that somewhere which is what made me try the meds in the repashy the first time. Pretty cool stuff.
  2. I really like Paradise Gourami or Opaline Gourami - the Opaline pick at algae or at least mine does.
  3. I order my shrimp from the Garden of Eder Shrimp - I actually have some shipping in tomorrow.
  4. I have a Pea Puffer & a Figure 8 - the Pea Puffer will not eat the Repashy. The figure 8 will. I tried it in an effort to medicate and never thought he would eat it but he did. So now, I feed it to him every so often between snails. It is a Figure 8 Puffer. I was trying to medicate and wasn't sure if he would eat it. I tried it and he eat it. So now I feed it to him every so often between snails. He goes nuts and swims so fast for it. It cracks me up.
  5. Just wanted to share because it cracks me up. My puffer fish loves repashy. Of course, he gets lots of snails to keep his teeth filed down. However, he just loves Repashy, he goes nuts over it. Anyone else puffer like Repashy?
  6. It’s really all so complicated but I am glad I learned no kanaplex in food doesn’t absorb use in water instead!
  7. I found this while looking around. i think kanaplex in the food was the advice to give and i have been told that in the past. Now with this new revelation I went searching and found this. https://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/medication-2.html Had some good info on there Thanks
  8. Me too I have kana plex, metro plex, general cure, api em erythromycin, Seachem neoplex, and ichx on hand but no fritz. I will have to order the maracyin 2
  9. Thank you! I didn’t know that about kanaplex and the food. I have some api em erythromycin on hand. I also have some neoplex from Seachem on hand. I don’t have mayracin 2 on hand and will have to order. Would any of these others be a good substitute in the meantime? @Colu
  10. Hi I have several paradise fish. 20l heavily planted, male and female( female is juvi bought 3 months ago and male almost a year and full grown). ph 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrates 20-30. Not heated 71-71 10 gallon - heavily planted - one full grown female the male in 20l rejected, ph 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrates 10. This female came with juvi female about three months ago. She didn’t ship well and wasn’t doing well at first not swimming or eating just sitting. After a few days the male and juvi female were bullying her so I moved her to the 10g, after a few days in there alone she recovered and started swimming eating and being a normal fish. Not heated 71-72 40b, heavily planted, ph7.6, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrates 40 run high in this tank always ( even tho I water change weekly or Bi weekly depending). Had male and female pair. The male I had as a juvi for about 1.5 - 2 years and female came almost full grown about 1 - 1.5 years ago. Not heated temp 71-72 the male in the 40b started getting real swollen around his face and lips and under his chin. Bump on head big bump under skin like pimple. Feed repashy w antibiotics and swelling went down kinda and knot on head went away. For a month or so. Female fine whole time. This week the male was thrashing about the surface. He was having a hard time keeping himself straight in water and was twisting sideways like swim bladder ( no pinecone). He struggled to get air at the stop and would violently swim around and skim the surface to try to get a good gulp. This went on for several days and then a couple days ago he was upside down at the bottom. I scooped him up in a net and held him at top. He could not keep upright and kept flipping over and within 20 mins bubble came out of his gills and he died. Besides the weird swelling nothing else seemed wrong. I figured some type of swim bladder. Female in this tank still fine. now my female in my 10g is doing the same thing. She is NOT swollen in her face like he was. She is pinching a bit and has a bigger belly but the females typically do. She is staying at the top but turning in her side. She is struggling to get air and trashing her way thru the surface to get a gulp. She won’t eat and I tried medicated antibiotics. about 1 month ago before all this happened I did try and put her in the 40b, she was in there for about 30-60 mins before I took her out. She just didn’t seem right the other female as sparing her and she wasn’t swimming good in the current that tank has. Point of this is she did swim in the same water as the fish that died this week about a month ago. Which maybe explains why she is suddenly now sick. However the female that has been in the 40b the entire time is fine. my male in the 20l is acting weird now too staying at the top of the tank. He acting like he may have a slight swim bladder issue but is not fully turning over or anything or maybe I am paranoid- the female juvi in the tank is fine. i am afraid my female in my 10g is gonna die. She won’t eat the medicated food. I did put some meds in the water. General cure (bc I haven’t seen her poop), kanaplex was in the food. Her tails all droopy and she’s not right. I fed some daphnia and she ate it yesterday but won’t touch the repashy w medicated food. any advice?
  11. I do have snails in some of my tanks but not all. They do clean up your 100% correct
  12. I’m happy the fish ate them but I am very surprised. That’s crazy. Sorry you have the opposite problem as me since you want them.
  13. Crazy didn’t know that Hahahaha right I am thinking your right!
  14. I saw that online too! I just can’t figure out how they suck the whole snail out!!! I mean all the shells where 100% empty but one
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