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Henry the fish keeper

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Posts posted by Henry the fish keeper

  1. On 5/5/2022 at 10:21 AM, Ben Ellison said:

    They are also escape artist. Imo I think a 10 is to small. I've lost 3 to escapes in what I thought was a secure environment. I found one all the way across my living room somehow....

    Did the bamboo shrimp live?

  2. On 5/3/2022 at 7:59 PM, SpacedCadette said:

    So it’s been a couple days and I’m still not seeing any real improvement yet. 🥺

    I’ve currently got her in a 5g quarantine tank where I’m doing a salt treatment following this co-op guide:  https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish. I’ve got her on level 2 right now and it’s been about 2 days. 

    I’ve also got some of the KanaPlex in there as well. I’m not sure what a reasonable timeline is to start seeing positive changes but I’m hopeful to see improvement soon. 



    I am so sorry to hear that your honey gourami is not doing well even when you added treatment. Please don't give up you got this!

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/28/2022 at 12:42 PM, DawnE said:


    Tomorrow I will try putting two wafers in, one at each end of the tank and maybe they will settle down?

    They might settle down if you scattered the food around. Or maybe add extra cover to minimize aggression.

  4. On 4/28/2022 at 9:00 AM, JaydenDSin said:

    Good news, they figured out that it's food. I'll be taking this out in an hour or two.

    5 day old guppy fry eating repashy gel food.

    Wow! The baby guppies really like repashy. And I can see the baby guppies swimming up and down they look super excited.

    Also, what kind of breeder box do you use?

  5. On 4/27/2022 at 8:07 PM, JaydenDSin said:

    Question, what do you think about a smaaall piece of community plus repashy? Think they'll pick at it or will they just ignore it?

    Yeah, I think they might peck at it and try to eat it.

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  6. On 4/26/2022 at 6:14 PM, Phillip said:

    Does anyone have any idea what these white spots are? The fish have all been in this tank for several months. I just noticed the spots the other day. They could’ve been there a while and I just didn’t see 🤷🏻‍♂️  

    Water Parameters:

    • pH 7.2 
    • Nitrates 20
    • Hardness 150
    • Nitrite 0
    • Ammonia 0 
    • KH/Buffer 120
    • Water Temperature 79





    Are your swordtails kohaku swordtail?

  7. On 4/27/2022 at 8:23 AM, FrozenFins said:

    I wouldnt do a molly in anything lower then a 10 gallon. I have some sailfin mollies in my 40 breeder, I have only had them for a few months and they've already dropped 3 generations of fry. Good Luck!

    Will a balloon molly work in a ten gallon?

  8. On 4/26/2022 at 1:01 PM, SpacedCadette said:

    She very well could be. 😔

    I've got her separated for now. If she heals quickly that could be a sign that she's getting picked on. Especially if she heals up, goes back in the tank and this issue reoccurs- that'll definitely confirm it. And if that's the case, is it better to isolate her in her own tank or the other gourami?

    It´s your choice you can separate her and put her in a tank away from the other honey gourami or you can take the other honey gourami out.

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