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  1. Sometimes it's just impacted (hardened) poop.
  2. Oh yeah, rinse it and let it soak in a bucket before adding it. It was from the Depot Quik Crete brand gravel.
  3. Hey Yeah, I am heading to the Keystone, even going to try the Aquascape contest.
  4. I drive about 45 minutes to mine. It's in Central Pennasalivania. We use as an excuse to go to the big town once a month so it works out. Why don't you start one?
  5. This is more of a lesson learned than trying something. Got some cheap gravel from the cement section of a big box store. The gravel has been in a couple tank for over year. Learned two negatives, first some of it has metal shavings which led to some rust which is no big deal. This is how our granparents got iron in thier diet. Two: one of the tanks had hardened rock layer along the bottom which wouldn't come up with a child's shovel. Be warned if you try it.
  6. Have you looked at a service like Taskrabbit?
  7. I would think that's part of the manufacturer 's base weight it can handle.
  8. The plywood in this case only purpose to keep the surface level across the wires by distributing the weight. 1/2 to 1 in should be fine.
  9. They will live in a range of PH. Rain/snow melt/etc. changes the natural ph even in large bodies of water. You can add a piece of certain woods, crushed coral, or almond leaf can help stabilize the water.
  10. Get a small basket and some pool noodle. Glue the noddle to the basket. Place the potential parent and basket in an empty tank for a few days. The eggs should fall through the basket and away from the parents to be eaten. Make sure the tank has plenty of film growing. That's the basics of any egg spawner breeding.
  11. Both their bellies don't look that bad. I think Colu might be right, Genetics or Bacterial, if anything. They look fine. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Thinking a bac infection too...got pictures?
  13. Yeah, chances are if one has them, they all them and your tank bed too. Are the stomaches sunken?
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