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Everything posted by jwcarlson

  1. Do yours get them clean down to the leaves? Maybe I'm feeding mine too much. There's always some algae on most of my anubius leaves after a while. Like top left/center of your photo.
  2. I think I have a Sean Carroll book, but haven't read it. The Big Picture, I believe. I listened to his podcast "Mindscape" when it first started about four years ago. Didn't click with me for very long, but I did always enjoy him as a guest on other podcasts. Hope you enjoy the book! I've been on a pretty hard break from non-fiction and I am not feeling pulled back to it at all.
  3. Is there anything sharp in the tank? I know some goldfish will kind of aggressively "clean" gravel, is it possible he's re-injuring his mouth doing that? The rock at the base of driftwood or *something* in that first picture looks pretty sharp?
  4. So you boil zucchini for ten minutes before feeding? Is there some advantage to this over feeding it raw. Or feeding it blanched (boiled about one minute?) I've been tossing in a little zucchini occasionally and the bristlenose, shrimp, and snails really seem to like it. I haven't cooked it at all. It floats, so I have to stick a fork in it or wrap a plant weight around it, but they're even eating most of the skins. I suppose blanching might make it sink, now that I think of it.
  5. FishFolk, what plant is in the back dropping those roots (and where can I get one)?
  6. Could have have been burned by a heater somehow?
  7. Enjoy your vacation, @JettsPapa! Nice haul from the local shop too! I need to do better locating local book stores, there are a few around, but one of them is mostly dedicated to paper back romance books that I've never seen a living person read, but that apparently exist in droves. Their prices are also not particularly great. I'm over halfway through The Wheel of Time #5 The Fires of Heaven. I am actually enjoying this one more than maybe the other four so far. Either that or I'm just learning better what I enjoy about it. They sure are long son-of-a-guns though!
  8. Alright, this is the same fish. And it is still alive. It's hard to make out in the pictures, but any ideas what this might be? I noticed another on of those zit looking things about a week ago and today they're gone, but it looks almost like something took a bite out of him or his scales are falling off? No other fish in the tank have it. This is the first I have noticed him being a little slower. Don't know if he ate.
  9. Personally, I'd take a wisteria infestation over a duckweed one any day. I've been up the last 72 hours straight because I heard that duckweed multiplies most when your eyes are closed. Really trying to knock it out in my community tank. 😆 Nice tank, by the way 🙂
  10. Just to be clear, it does have one single barbel. My understanding is that females have less than males? I guess it could be a rubber lip pleco, wouldn't be the first mislabeled fish from LFS.
  11. No name, they actually call it Loach 😄 "Graham's Loach" The two oldest are 9 and 7, you'd think they'd get it figured out. haha It is a good looking fish, but in a tank of dozens of wild looking fellas he wanted this one. *shrug* I thought maybe it would grow a bit more nose gear, but it's been months now so that's not going to happen!
  12. This is what happens when you let your kids pick fish... 😃
  13. That's exactly what they look like. It would not be the first time I bought something mislabeled at this particular fish store... and it makes sense that they're not breeding! 😄 I think you're on to something there, Cinnebuns, thanks!
  14. If temperature is critical to what you're keeping, you can't go wrong with Inkbird. This version is a little cheaper and takes a little more technical knowledge to wire up. But I use both types. I have these type wired into outlets to run a couple of barrel heaters for my discus water change setup. I've used these for fish and also for chicken egg incubation, have been really happy with all of my Inkbird stuff.
  15. I've not seen/experienced it yet, but I thought they still lay some sort of short term egg when they're ready. Still, I don't think any of the timeline makes sense for them to be rabbits. I guess I will know soon enough if they keep growing. The shells also don't look like the adults who all look the same as the one pictured.
  16. The more I noodle on it, they've got to be MTS. I think I read that they're more active at night and would be more hidden in the substrate during the day? Really perplexed where they came from, but could easily miss them for quite a while, I guess.
  17. I bought two rabbit snails back around Christmas '21. Have seen zero babies or egg sacks. Three weeks ago, I picked a couple more up figuring we have two of the same sex. Haven't seen any eggs, but tonight we got home later than normal and I flipped the light on and saw about 12 of these in a couple different sizes. Me and the kids were excited thinking they were baby rabbit snails, but I got to thinking the time doesn't add up as I kmow rabbit snails breed slowly. So are these mylasian trumpets? Pick of one of the adult rabbits attached. I have added no new plants for probably six months.
  18. If you are cutting it with a handsaw then it probably doesn't matter at all. Cutting treated lumber (which is usually pretty wet) can be a little tricky and wants to kind of get gummy on the blade and sometimes wants to peel a bit at the edges in my experience. I guess perhaps the better way to phrase what I'm saying is that if you have a choice to do it either way, dry is best. But it's just a regular hand saw it won't be a big deal and because you're putting it in a fish tank the usual shrinkage issues with wet wood aren't an issue.
  19. Cut them off and put a couple of the ends in like shorter stumps. I'll be perfectly honest, I've never had a tank that I wish was taller. I have a 38 gallon, which is a taller 29 (kinda). And I hate it. Wish I would have bought a 40 breeder, but wasn't thinking. It's tough on plants (in my opinion).
  20. LFS, they're very obviously different once you know. I made a post here about it because it never grew.
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