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Posts posted by Mmiller2001

  1. There’s a Facebook group called CO2 Supplemented Tanks I would join, even if not using CO2. Tom Barr is a group member for example. There’s another forum I could PM to you, some top Dutch and Garden Style people are there as well as Yugang, who developed a horizontal reactor that I use. My favorite aquarist, Dutch competition and Garden style winners are there (I keep a journal there as well). 

    I really like both because people will do writes ups about their tanks, listing parameters and more importantly, their maintenance practices and such.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Made a few changes but may have also killed my dwarf lilly. Added a Crypt and moved a few things around. Nothing too special as of yet. Received a cool plant and is a bit more challenging to work with. Will see how it goes, Rotala Tulunadensis.







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  3. On 2/6/2024 at 3:09 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    In terms of setup, I know they have a few options. Does it have to be suspended or do they have a good riser kit? I assume too strong for a 30" long x 12-18" deep tank?

    My old Chihiros had legs, had to buy a hanging kit. They have adjustable intensity.

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  4. On 2/5/2024 at 3:01 PM, Supermassive said:

    Ive already told myself I have to get one for my ten gallon at some point 😂

    Now the headache begins, you will try to convince people why they should spend more (on lights), and an onslaught will tell them they are wasting their money. You and I will continue to know the truth!

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  5. On 2/3/2024 at 6:08 PM, Supermassive said:

    I've heard that plants prefer hard water with lots of minerals and I've heard they prefer soft water. I'm not really sure what to think. I think I read  plants need 10-20ppm Ca. I also read if you have shrimp and snails then 30-50ppm is good. But that was just from a quick google.

    Ill stop adding the GH booster. I wasn't really adding much though. Only around 5ppm worth of calcium.

    A good majority of the plants we have access to prefer, or do better in softer water with low to no Karbonate Hardness. Don't take this as plants need what I'm saying, there are plenty of amazing tanks with super high GH. I'm saying things get easier and stubborn plants get easier in softer water.

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  6. On 2/3/2024 at 4:49 PM, Supermassive said:

    I did end up getting the test kit. I tested my tap twice and It says I have 60-80ppm calcium. In my tank it said 40-60ppm which adds up. I guess the test they have at my LFS is expired or he didn't do it properly.

    The magnesium test says I have less than 12ppm in my tap. I think its essentially zero. There is only about 5ppm in my tank from what I'm adding. From what google says I should have it at 10ppm minimum. Should I go ahead and bump up my magnesium dose to level off at 10ppm?

    I keep mine at 8, but 10 would be fine. I’d try to lower that calcium though.

  7. On 2/2/2024 at 11:35 AM, Supermassive said:

    I cleaned my filter and syphoned more detritus out on Wednesday. The filter had very little debris. It was basically clean except for the filter floss and the intake sponge. I'm using Aquarium Coop coarse sponge and the normal AquaClear sponge but I think I should just be using two of the normal AquaClear sponges. The coarse sponge was literally spotless.


    If I am making the correct changes will I notice improvements before then? I thought you should start seeing improvements in 2-4 weeks. Do you just mean it might take a few months for it to completely clear up?

    New growth should look better as it comes in. A month or 2 to see the overall picture.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 1/30/2024 at 9:57 AM, Supermassive said:

    @Mmiller2001 If excess nutrients don't really cause algae how come its so important to keep the surface of the substrate and the filter clean? Will it cause very small amounts of ammonia which will cause an algae bloom? 

    Yes, it causes excess organics and some break down (creating ammonia) feeding instability and opportunist algae.

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