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Posts posted by TheDukeAnumber1

  1. In this tank val, dwarf sag, and giant duckweed all thrive with no ferts added but the water hyacinth will get very brown leaf tips that take over the leaf as it ages. The plant still survives and even multiplies though. It does not get the browning nearly as bad when I fertilize (see pic) which I do the small daily dose method but if I even miss a day or two the browning is noticably worst. Anyone know?



  2. I used to have that issue with my small fish and feeding nano extreme. I bought one of those silicone ice cube trays with very large cubes. I fill it half way with water and let it freeze, then I put the food in and fill it to the top and let that freeze. Then I just feed the cube and the food slowly falls as it melts. I also noticed that smaller fish that would have trouble eating a dry pellet can easily take down the food since it has been fully hydrated and softened.

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  3. I think Cory has said that the size is to meet the need of "most" hobbyists and the people churning through brine are probably ordering the kilo cans. But who knows if demand grows maybe the ACO will offer larger amounts, they have done so with some meds.

    I like the packaging, I don't plow through BBS so it lasts me long enough and is competitively priced for eggs I know I can trust are not degraded by high temps or a poor seal. I never really knew where the ebay eggs I used to order came from or how they were stored.

    ATM I can't find the "why we don't ship live fish" video, but IIRC it's better for them to specialize in plants ect and partner with Aqua Huna that specializes in shipping in live fish.

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  4. Bio-load is what defines what you can put in a tank and bio-load is directly in connection with how much food you feed. You can power feed 50 tetras or lightly feed 100 tetras the same amount of food and your bio-load will be the same.

    Live plants can turn the tables on bio-load by removing waste, and water changes remove waste. It all comes down to you finding a balance of feeding, plants, and water changes that works for you.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Hobbit said:

    So there’s one thing I don’t understand about summer tubbing... what do you all do with your fish at the end of tubbing season? Do your LFSs get a big donation, or do you move them inside to yet another new tank? (sorry hubby, I HAVE to bring them inside or they’ll DIE! 😁)

    All of the above, it can be fun to do even if they don't breed. Can also cull with a predatory fish.

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  6. IMO "clean water" doesn't mean much of anything. Unless in the context of the fish profile there is a clearer meaning it's useless info.

    Atm the only reason I can think of to shop at that LFS is if you wanted fish that have gone through rough water parameters and are proven tough. I would rather support a great big box store over a bad local store.

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  7. Not sure I would want a welded and effectively single piece glass aqrarium. Silicone seals and can micro deflect to relieve stress, vs welded glass mixing planes of rigidity and possibly thermal loads being a problem.

    I would have to see it work to have confience it is a good idea.

    And to the original topic, my life experience tells me epoxy is generally too rigid and would eventually will debond with the glass.

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  8. The story playing out in my head for over a decade has been the Snail Wars. Since the beginning my tanks have been prosperous for the snails with many snail races competing for territory and food with at one time there being 7+ species in one tank. As the war raged on most species died out, leaving only three behind. To paralell it to LoTR

    MTS or "The Dwarves" - an old and nearly indestructable race that retreat underground in times of hardship.

    Ramshorns or "The race of Men" - A productive race that lacks durability but is strong willed and always finds a way.

    Pond Snails or "The Race of Elves" - A race with unmatched efficiency and grace.

    In the beginning of the second age of the snail after the great war which left behind only the three races, a great HOB was installed at the edge of the realm providing flow and great clarity. But unknown to the snail races a great impeller sat at the heart of the HOB demmanding death of all who dared to enter. The races of men and dwarves enjoyed the gifts of the great HOB, but paid it no reverence as they focused on the treasures below. The elves on the other hand determimed that the HOB was a heavenly realm that one could journey to if they could get past the great flow barrier. They started a great exodus to the HOB which was so unforgiving upon their arrival, none survived. With the elves gone there was a period of great prosperity for both men and dwarves, but they could not have forseen the coming danger.

    Nearing the end of the HOB age the Great Fishkeeper aka (the provider for the entire realm) had to leave for a short time, leaving the lesser "Roomate" in charge. While then Great Fishkeeper was away the HOB died but the Roomate did not fufill the task of caring for the realm. The clamity that ensued killed almost all of the race of men while the dwarves managed to survive in greater numbers. Once the Great Fishkeeper returned he had mercy on the realm and prosperity returned.

    And so ended the second age...

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    • Haha 1
  9. It all depends on your water parameters and fish but personally I wouldn't hesitate to try it.  I think something would really have to be off for it to causd a problem, especially since 30% isn't a drastic water change. Keep an eye on the animals the first time to see if it stresses them out at all. When I do large water changes I need to make sure to gas off 50% of if first to avoid stress.

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