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  1. Theres about 10. Its hard to tell sex as im new to shrimp. But there really red ones, dull ones. Some round bellied some flat. Id say there at least 5 females for sure males not so sure. When i picked them out i told five that had a saddle a 5 that didnt. I was guessing at the time
  2. I dont have a tds meter. But Gh is 180 abd Kh is 120- 180 an api test strips. If that helps
  3. So far no baby shrimp, but lots of snails. Been trying to get as many snails out as i can as i think the shrimp think theres not enough food.
  4. Hey guys new to forums, so i hope im doing this right anyway, im trying to breed cherry shrimp with ram horn snails. They are in a 10 g with plants and a box filter ph is 7.4 temp is 79 f they have been in there for about a month. No baby shrimps yet. Any advice
  5. Hi there from alberta canada, Glad to join the group hope to learn and share a lot. I got four tanks atm. This is my 135g. Hope you like it.
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