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Posts posted by Mitch_ScruffyCityAquatics

  1. I forgot to include a recent pic!

    The left side is beginning to fill in... but... I am thinking I may move the sponge filter to the right some and that will mean moving some plants including some of my Val. Sigh... it melts back every time I move it, but it will look so much better with the sponge filter away from the edge. 


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  2. Another Update:

    I have continued to lose Mollies recently. For a very long time I had one Molly begin to rest on the bottom and stay there. He would swim up to eat, but most of the time I would find him on the substrate. This was normal for several weeks, then there were two, and then five. I pulled all five out and put them in QT with salt (1 tbs per 2 gallons). I then decided to treat with Maracyn because some said it may be bacterial. 


    When that didn’t work I started to consider Paracleanse. Not too long ago I bought some Gold Dust Mollies that brought in some parasite. I lost one of those to Livebearers Disease. After treating those with Paracleanse they started to bulk up. I ran a second dose and a week later added them to my large tank. I can’t remember if the little Molly was already on the substrate or not at this point. But the other fish started showing signs after I added the new fish that had come out of QT. Lesson learned, be patient. 

    I lost two of those Mollies, and they both appeared to waste away. Their bodies were sunken in. Before adding the Paracleanse I came across two Mollies in my main tank who were thinning rapidly. I moved them to the QT and started researching what was going on. 

    I had a recommendation on this forum to treat with Levamisole. I had heard of Greg Sage’s Levamisole and I ordered it immediately. On his sight the description for Livebearers disease appears to match what I have been experiencing. I heavily salted the QT (1 tbs per 1 gallon) and hoped they made it until the meds arrived. I lost one of the late additions to the QT), but everyone else went back in the main tank and I treated with Levamisole. 


    Last night was the water change and second dose. I’ll leave the fish and the meds in the tank until next weekend when I will do a small water change to begin removing the meds. 

    Yesterday I also noticed something wild going on in the tank. 

    I have never seen or heard of this. I looked for the Cory last night and this morning and I haven’t spotted any cars with bubbles. I have at least three that look like this one Corydora. It’s hard to tell them apart. I’m hoping the bubbles have gone away on their own, but I’ll keep an eye on them. 

    I have more to update on finding algae/plant balance in the tank, but it will have to wait. This post has become too long. 

  3. Meds came yesterday (Bless you Greg Sage). I did a large water change, added all of the fish, and dosed the med. I’m hoping the Levamisole takes care of whatever is plaguing my fish. The one male is clear of most of the bumps, but he is getting very thin. I hope it is not too late for him. He seems to be all over the tank again. Our oldest female is also thinning. She has trouble staying off the substrate. I hope the swim bladder issues are connected to whatever has made them sick. 

    I plan on doing the 25% water change this evening and then another dose of Levamisole before they stew in the meds for a week. 

  4. I received confirmation of the Lavamisole’s shipping, but it looks like it will be the first of next week before I receive it. Until then I have those worst off in a 1 tbs per 2 gallons salt concentration. Half of them continue to look bad, would you consider level 3 salt (1 tbs per 1 gallon) until I receive the med?

    After I beat this I’m going to a 50% water change for a while. Sheesh. 

  5. Researching Lavamisole on this forum led me to Select Aquatics and their Kit. The description of Livebearer disease is exactly what I have been experiencing. Thank you @Colufor pointing me in that direction. Everyone sick is currently salted in QT and hopefully they can hold on until I get the med. 

    Once it gets here I am going to move everyone to the big tank and treat the whole tank. Oh gosh, I haven’t even done research on shrimp or snails. Will this med hurt them?

  6. I didn’t want to move him to the QT because he still likes to chase the females and there are four sick females in QT. So I put him in a breeder box in the tank. While grabbing him from the large tank I found another thin Molly hiding near the surface in the back. I grabbed this guy too. Looks rough. His gills are flared and red. 

    Looks like a round of Paracleanse for the large tank.

    Any other suggestions? 


  7. This old man has been in my tank for a few years now, but he isn’t looking too good recently. What do you think it is? 

    I recently did a dose of Maracyn in this tank because I had several Mollies staying in the substrate  I moved those to a QT tank and treated them with Maracyn before treating them with Paracleanse because all but two became very thin. I have lost two of the six that I had moved and still have four. Three appear to be on the mend, but one of them is still on the bottom and sunken in  I’m going to run another dose of Paracleanse in the QT this week.

    Don’t mind the cloudy water, I literally just dropped frozen baby brine in  haha  





  8. @Bill Smith I just shared this design with someone on this forum, and I realized I never thanked you for your directions. I followed them to build my own, and I LOVE it. It makes adding Root Tabs in the middle of the week effortless. And I was extremely thankful for the detail on what I was looking for at the store.  I was able to add everything to a cart and walk around the store to their exact locations and quickly grab the item I needed. 

    This is my favorite post on the whole forum. 

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    • Thanks 1
  9. So the easy tabs are amazing, but they can float if the substrate isn’t deep enough. Make sure you push them to the bottom. If that still doesn’t work you can use a pin to put a few holes in one side so the air leaks out. This would limit the amount of time you have to plant them without leaking fertilizer in your water column. 

    If it the problem is not your substrate depth you could try building one of these. I did and I made it long enough that I don’t get wet when I add new tabs. 


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  10. I recently noticed a white patch on the back of my Sterbai Corydora. She has been in my tank... She may be the second oldest inhabitant in my tank. Anyway, I reached out on this forum and the response was that it is most likely bacterial (

    Otherwise, the tank is doing well. I added some more rocks that I discovered in my Aquarium tote, and some more gravel. The Crypt Parva that I purchased from the Coop is doing really well. And by really well I mean it didn't melt. It hasn't grown or anything, but my understanding is that I will have a large Parva carpet in 25 years. I really like the plant, and now that I know it will live in my tank I'll continue to buy some when I can.

    The left side is a little bare still. I have an Amazon Sword in the back, but I am thinking about buying a Melon Sword or a Red Flame Sword. Any recommendations?

    That's the journal update for now, but check out this five minute video I did feeding half a Sera O-Nip tab. 


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  11. Oh absolutely, I try to make sure everyone is off the sponge whenever I am trying to clean it. They do crawl through it. I’ve never found any in my bag of dirty water when I take the sponge out for cleaning through. I’m honestly surprised. 

    I have course sponge on three sponge filters and as a prefilter on a canister. 

    • Like 1
  12. Thanks @Colu I’ve been thinking recently, and I may start doing a 50% weekly water change for a while to try to straighten things out. I’m tired of these sick fish. 

    I’ll most likely do a 50% today and then run the Maracyn. I know it’s like a 25% water change after that. So I’ll put off the larger water change for a while, but it might help with the bba too....

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Colu said:

    Your water parameters are fine it looks like the start of a bacterial infection I would treat with maracyn 

    Due to the swim bladder issues and now this I was considering treating the trio. 

    You think I should treat Maracyn instead? Full five day treatment?

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