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Posts posted by Mitch_ScruffyCityAquatics

  1. @IreneI am curious how you tested for potassium? Is there a kit you used? You said you tested your tap water and determined that each pump produced a certain amount of potassium into your water. Did you test that from your tank? So that you could determine the ppm in your 20 gallon tank?

    I was looking at my aquarium and I think the tiger lotus that I added a few months ago may be a potassium sponge. It would explain why my Ludwigia Repens started forming pin holes that yellow. I think we are onto something. 

  2. Papermill 

    I did feed bloodworms this morning. Some have been eaten and some are still there. I mostly wanted to see how they ate. I liked to watch them a day or two before I use any meds. I think this one looks sunken in. I wanted to give them some nutrition but I didn’t want to feed them too much before the paracleanse.

    They were in a tank stocked heavily with cardinals. I was considering they may not have been getting enough food from the two weeks in that tank, but the fact that those bloodworms are still on the bottom make me think otherwise.  

  3. One of my local fish stores finally had some Sterbaii Corydora in two weeks ago, but they were quarantined. I went back a week later and they still had them quarantined. They said they had some trouble with some and they wanted to continue watching them. 

    A week later they had sold all but three, but a wanted three! They looked pretty good in the tank. I spoke with the employee helping me about them being in quarantine for two weeks. I asked if they lost a lot of them or if they sold them. He said they sold them. 

    When I got them home one of the little guys looks a little rough. I don’t remember any of them looking like this in the tank, but he did have a hard time catching one of them. I’ve included a picture. 

    Since they had been in QT at the store for so long I was just going to watch them and see how they did. But now I am considering a round of Paracleanse. What do you all think?


    I have an established QT tank that they were only added to last night, but here are the parameters. 

    pH 8

    Ammonia 0

    Nitrite 0

    Nitrate 5

    Hardness Unknown, but hard.
    Temperature 76



  4. I’ve had trouble with Java fern since my first planted tank. I’ve never really determined what it needs that I am not giving it. I see propagation from the rhizomes, but eventually the mature leaves begin to brown,yellow, and die. But new leaves still grow from the rhizome. I have had some new plants grow from the leaf pods, but usually only after I first add it. I imagine that is another indicator that my set up isn’t ideal. 

  5. I recently re-binged Chuck and Burn Notice (two of my top fives tv series). 

    Recently finished Cobra Kai and I can’t wait for the next season. 

    Currently watching DuckTales, Man With A Plan, and Community. 

    And I am looking forward to The Mandalorian on the 30th!


  6. Oh! And I forgot to mention the Mollies! My daughters talked me into some mixed Mollies. Now we keep a bunch of them and even take them to our local fish stores for others to buy. They are a mix between Dalmatian, Black, and an orange/silver (creamsicle). We’ve planned on getting rid of them, but we always have fry. 

  7. Thank you all.

    It has been a work in progress. My Ludwigia Repens and Rotalla Indica aren’t very healthy lately. I added root tabs last week, but it’s still yellowing and the growth is not very lush. I am not sure about the Tiger Lotuses. I wanted to keep them to cover the sponge filter, but my stem plants have looked rough ever since I added them. 

    Ben, I am near Knoxville. Nice to meet fellow East Tennessee aquarists. 

  8. Hello everyone!

    My name is Mitch. I’ve been keeping an aquarium for almost eight years. We started with a 10 gallon, and after a couple of upsized we know have a 75 gallon tank in our living room. It is a freshwater planted tank. I’ve been experimenting with growing plants for the past few years. My first attempts were disasters, but once I found Aquarium Co-op on YouTube I started making corrections to my setup that have led to successes. 

    My current tank has a gravel and sand substrate. We love watching our Corydora in the sand. We also have Otocinclus helping with the algae. I enjoy watching them the most. We have schools of neon tetras and Harlequin Rasboras that keep the middle of the tank active. Our Cherry Shrimp colony is thriving, and I recently realized that I have a bunch of Red Rilis. Oh, and I have a growing colony of Mystery Snails and a couple of Nerite snails. 

    I am very thankful for Aquarium Co-op and the knowledge shared on the channel, site, and Facebook group. I am looking forward to participating on this forum. Here is a picture of my tank. I still have a lot to learn. Haha. 


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