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  1. You mean the Bucephalandra Kedagang?
  2. I meant that you have a lot more fish in general, but I thought you also have some super secret cool fish that you aren't posting
  3. I know English, Romanian, a bit of Russian, a bit more Italian and I know the Hangul Alphabet, in other Words I know how to read Korean
  4. Nothing much. Worth mentioning that I'm thinking of buying new furniture. Anyone with experience with rattan? I'm eyeing something like the furniture from Garden Centre Shopping. Looks high quality, and it's weatherproof.
  5. As far as I can tell you're experiencing the moving fever of bucephalandras. They can experience "melting" when moved to a new tank, especially if they're used to different lighting conditions. This is a natural so it should take some to fix itself
  6. Imagine the benefits when you'll start aerating during the day too, woah!!
  7. For some reason I have a feeling this is only a part of your photo collection, am I right?
  8. So are you saying that I would need more moss to start with?
  9. I have no idea in one photo it looks almost 20 ppm in the second photo looks closer to 5 ppm
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